REQUESTED Richard Imagine

613 11 2


Meeting at a party

I'm going to a party and apparently this famous Latin band will be there, so I have to look my best. I curl my hair lightly and smokey eye and a purple lip. I then put on white heels. I walk downstairs and see Marie sitting there. "You ready" said Marie. I nod. 

We walk to the uber and hop in. We finally get there and walk inside. I see CNCO. I look at Marie. "Damn Richard is hot" said Kenzie. "Yeah to you, he has a kid" said Marie. I smile. "Yeah and she is cute too" said Kenzie. I walk further in and hear CNCO's Reggaeton Lento is on and I go to dance. I start to dance, while singing the song. I feel hands on me. "Hi, I'm Richard" said Richard. "I know.... oh shit sorry..... I'm Kenzie" said Kenzie. "You look beautiful by the way" said Richard. "Thank you, you look handsome. What made you want to dance with me?" asked Kenzie. "You looked beautiful and also your dancing to our song" smiled Richard. I blush. "Your way to sweet" said Kenzie. Richard smirks. "I try to be" said Richard. "You have a daughter" said Kenzie. "Yup, Aaliyah" said Richard. "She is so so sweet on Instagram" said Kenzie. "Thank you, she is my life" smiled Richard. "I bet, what's it like with a daughter and then travelling the world without her?" asked Kenize. "I deal with it, I spend all my time with her when I'm home" said Richard. I smile at him and we continue to dance.

We go for a drink at the table. "So what's it like being in a famous band?" asked Kenzie. "Great, tiring but great. I get to do what I love which is something I love doing" said Richard. "That's so cool! I love your band by the way, in case you didn't know" smiled Kenzie. "Aw, cute" said Richard. I smile at him. "I want to ask something, Kenzie..... Will you go on a date with me?" asked Richard. "I'd love too, Richard" said Kenzie. We swap numbers and by the time I leave, we've kissed and Marie is teasing me all the way home.

Trust me to fall in love with person who is calm, kind, a dad, and just all round amazing. Me and Richard enjoyed our first date and many others. Me and Aaliyah are also close and she is so cute!! I love her and Richard!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Requests are open so you all know.

Lorna cx

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