REQUESTED Zabdiel Imagine

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Surprises and panic attacks

Zabdiel's POV:

I am surprising my girlfriend, Brenda. I have been on tour for months now and I miss her smiles and laugh. I am currently on the plane home and just watching movies for the entire flight. I am looking out the window and thinking about Brenda and how she makes me feel. I soon get of the plane and go get my bags. I go outside and I see my mum standing there. "Hey mum, how are you?" asked Zabdiel. "I'm good, now let's get you home to see Brenda!" smiled mum. We drive to our house and I step out and grab my stuff. "I'll call you later, for now I just want to be with Brenda" said Zabdiel. "I know, go. We'll all hang tomorrow, son" smiled mum. I hug her bye and walk inside. It's quiet. I go to our bedroom and I see Brenda on the floor crying and shaking. Shit she is having a panic attack. I put my stuff down and go over. I kneel beside her and pull her against my chest.

"Baby girl, I'm home, I'm here. Just breathe, be calm. Calm down, princess" said Zabdiel. I rub her arms and kiss her forehead. "Calm down princess" said Zabdiel. I rock her back and forth and hope it helps. Eventually she stops and falls asleep. I pick her up and place her on the bed. I slide in beside her and hold her. I quickly fall asleep beside her. 

Couple hours I wake up to Brenda rubbing my face. "Your home" said Breda. "Yes, I am. Are you OK? You were having a panic attack" said Zabdiel. "I-I was just over worrying about stuff. Hate, tour and family. It got too much. I'm fine now that your here with me. I was thinking of making dinner and relaxing" said Brenda. "Yes" said Zabdiel. "Unless you want to go out for dinner, then we can go" said Brenda. "No. We'll cook. You had a rough time today and I know you never want to leave after an attack like that" said Zabdiel. I kiss her and she kisses back.

We enjoy a quiet night in, with homemade pizza, drinks and relaxing. I'm just happy I arrived in time to help Brenda. One day I'll bring her with me. One day. 

She is my light, my life, my soulmate, my bestfriend.

I hope you enjoyed this one Brenda!

Lorna cx

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