The Wolf

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I glance over my shoulder every now and then to make sure Basil and Aven or their freinds don't try to follow or hunt me down again. I fly for days without direction, slaying almost everything I encounter. I eventually lose any idea of where I am in the mountains. The howl shatters the night.
A grin slides over my face, so it lived after all. I land in the forest bellow me, a pair of eyes glows on the half moon light. The wolf approaches me silently, fearful, yet bold. I watch them carefully, as the wolf comes close enough to touch, to attack. I wait, to my surprise the wolf rolls onto her back, avoiding my gaze. After a moment she stands again, She sees you as her alpha. Okay. Do I need to accept or anything? No, she is just going to follow and obey you until one of you dies. Fun. ...
I turn and continue in my previous direction eventually I spot another well developed path. Did I go in a circle? No.
I slip into the trees on the side of the trail, every sense alert. I encounter no one else, eventually I reach a massive stone building, similar to a palace or the hide out of an extravagant villain from a story. Wary of meeting any one or anything to hostile. The wolf seems to perceive my unease and perks her ears.
I leap into an open window, not watching for the wolf I ransack the entire place searching for life (making sure each room looked as it was before I entered when I left so my presence would remain undetected as long as possible.) Nothing stirred. I explored the path and immediately surrounding gardens and woods. Nothing.
The wolf found me standing behind the building. Nothing else in this Desert was devoid of life, the place should have at least been covered in ivy, yet not a leaf could be found on the walls. A branch snapped I bolted into a massive tree, watching. The wolf stood looking up at me, confused a lone figure came up the garden path, headed straight for her. I knew that who ever this was would figure out where I was just by looking where the wolf was watching. Annoyed I leapt out of the tree in front of the wolf. I draw my sword, waiting, watching. The figure, not breaking stride pulls a bow from their back and loads and arrow, drawing back their arm, still walking. The arrow flies, I slash it from the air, another arrow flies. I step forwards cutting the arrow from the air.
Another arrow flies, it falls aswell. My opponent has yet to slow or break their stride, in the closer space they trade the bow for a sword. Unease blossoms within me, dropping to a defensive crouch I watch.
Our swords meet with a clang, I spin away. Blow after blow is blocked, slowly I am forced to truly take the defensive side as the air around me becomes a battle ground for metal to clash. Arrow. I leap back, slashing the arrow from the air. Our swords lock together.
I shift backwards, and stick one hand out to help me maintain my balance. Except, I didn't need to.
My attacker seemed frozen in place, instead of taking advantage of my moment of weakness as they should have. I glance to the side, another arrow. I try to follow its trajectory in reverse, stumbling into a man, like wise frozen. I leave the bow in his hands and the quiver on his back, his head, however, lands at his knees.
I return to my battle, striking the arrow from the air, my opponent slashes in the air where I once stood.
I dodge the attack and return with one of my own, stepping behind the attacker and sheathing my sword in their shoulder. I pull my sword back to me and disarm them.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Sage." She moans.
"Is this yours?" I motion to the estate with my arm.
"Yes. Well it was, now that you have ended myself and my companion," she pauses,"It is yours."
"Thank you." I imagined Sage smiled.
"Greetings Death." Sage called as the man himself came down the path.
"Be right there Sage." He disappeared into the woods, reappearing moments later.
Sage turned to me,"He is here for me, you were a worthy opponent, somehow you are the first to defeat us." I nod my thanks as Death returns.
"You ready Sage?" Before she could reply her body fell to the ground,"I'll take that as a yes. Bye Kara, see you later."
I wave,"Bye Death." As he walks back down the path from which he came Sage' s body began to fade. Like a shadow in an approaching Sun's light.
I turn to the wolf who regards me indifferently, slowly she tilts her nose to the stars and howls. One long, clear note echoed back to us.

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