Moving Forward

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I stood over her corpse, silent, wishing she would step our of the surrounding trees and point to my sword,"Looks like you dropped that." Her sarcasm ever present. She wouldn't though, because of me. Eventually I looked to her bracelet, it's charm showing she wanted a burial. Once that was done I went about cleaning my shoulder wound and my sword. Eventually I noticed Malum lying on the ground, asleep. I grabbed my things and left the clearing, though not before kicking snow all over his face.
That night the darkness hunted me, seeking shelter in my weighted soul, holding me, no moon light penetrated the sky. No stars. If some one had out a fire, surely it would have been choked in its own smoke before it could offer any light, so I didn't bother. Instead I simply moved on, walking all through the night and the next day.
I no longer felt, my mind was empty yet cramped, my heart silent, but to loud to hear over. I was losing hope.
After many more days the sun stayed out longer and longer, the night only a few hours. Then I saw them, weapons drawn, ears perked, eyes wide with fear. I almost attacked, I so desperately wanted to, but something held me back. Instead I hid in a tree as Apollo, Artimes and Polaris passed beneath me. I wanted to follow them, call to them, speak to them but my conscience weight far to much and would surely crush me if I acted as though all was normal and right.
So I watched them leave, hoping they would notice me. They didn't, but I was used to it, not many people had ever noticed me. Just a few, Skylar had always noticed me, always listened, always cared. Yeah well now she is gone. And whose fault is that? Oh right, YOURS!!!
"Leave me alone." I spoke aloud in an attempt to drown out the voice.
Never it hissed before fading out. I sat in the tree until sunset, wondering where I should go. As the sun painted the sky blood red again I remembered the mountains. I decided to try and reach them, perhaps from one of the jagged peaks I would be able to see the edge of this horrid desert.

As the sun emerged from the horizon line I flew towards the mountains, by now I could fly continuously for half a day, and still be able to not only keep going, but also be able to fight. That day I encountered no other living things, only the trees. That night I heard the wolves howling again, I started to wonder if they were trying to warn me. Oh what would besiege me this night except my nightmares and woes? Something far worse, those nightmares and woes awakened, alive, and hunting me.
I gave up on sleep and sat in a tall oak, sword resting on my lap, friend and foe in the same object. The moon hung bright and pale in the sky when the first of them came. I stood, balanced upon the branch of the oak as a shadow (as I now called them) drifted towards me, as though taking a leisurely stroll in the park. It must have spotted me when it froze, then it dived towards me, to suck the air from my lungs and the light from my eyes.
As it approached I lashed out with my sword, hitting the thing's middle. An ear piercing shriek filled the night as the shadow retreated, black dust trickling from its wound. As it retreated more filled the sky, almost blocking out the moon. I stood petrified, but I forced myself to move, to fight, to live. I launched into the air, swinging my sword allowing all my pent up fury, regret, all of it filled me. I haphazardly began to strike the shadows from the air, many more shrieks split the air of the night as more of my enemies fall from the sky.
After what fells like hours of battle only one shadow faces me. We pause for a moment, suspended in the air before I charge, slamming my sword hilt deep into the shadow.
As I remove my blade and the shadow crumbles to dust a tear trickles down my cheek,"Wherever you are, I am sorry." I whisper into the night before putting away my sword, adjusting the strap of my bag, and flying off into the night.

That was kind of a filler chapter, sorry.
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