// chapter 14 //

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chapter 14. the sound of your heart

Jungkook's P.O.V

i woke up early in the morning. it's weird how i ended up here in my bed, wearing my favorite bunny pajamas. however, i have a bad hangover today and i feel like i am going to vomit. i rushed in bathroom and vomitted. this happens all the time and i hate. suddenly, i noticed a hand on the other side of my bed. did i killed someone last night? i wouldn't kill anyone with my bunny pajamas!

i took my swiss butterfly knife on my drawer, just incase someone barged inside my house. i tip toed towards the unknown person. to my suprise, it's jisoo. she's sleeping nicely on the floor and she's wearing my white gucci pajama set.

wait! hold up! i am wearing my favorite bunny pajamas and she's wearing my white gucci pajama that i wore two night ago. she's sleeping here my place and it smells like alcohol. did we? no way!!! that's not possible, jeon jungkook. why would even that happen? but...aahhh!! pull yourself together, you nasty jerk!!!

she suddenly woke up. she stood up and stretched her arms up. "omo! you scared me!" she shouted. "yo-y-you're a-awake!" i stuttered. she just ignored me. "yah! why are you wearing my pajama set?!" i asked.

"it was cold last night. i can't find any extra blankets that's i wore your pajama. it still smells good." she said.

"yah! why are even here? you didn't went back to your place?"

"no. i was worried that you might something crazy cause you're really drunk. so, i stayed."

"wow! so you care for me now?! huh?"

"why?! is it bad to take care of someone who is like you?! huh?!"

"no! but you should've not stayed here! people might think something bad at me and my image would be ruined."

"now, it's my fault for caring?!"

"fine. you're right! you're always right! now, make me some soup or something to cure my hangover."

"now, you're asking me to make you a hangover soup? in your face!"

"ahhh!!! hurry! my head hurts! and you're my girlfriend, remember?!"

"alright, your master. i will make you a hangover soup to cure your fucking hangover, you little bastard."

she head out to the kitchen and went to make some food, while i stayed here in my room and read my favorite webtoon on my phone.


Jisoo's P.O.V

This guy is totaly out of his mind! I could beat his ass out of this apartment. Aahhhh!!! He's so annoying! My hands are so eager to punch his face!!!

I went ahead to the kitchen and open the refrigerator to see if there's anything i can make. gosh! he has a lot of food in here; a lot of expired goods. this milk is from two years ago. no wonder his refrigerator smells bad. one thing that keeps new is strawberry milk. gosh! this guy is a kid. i took all the things that are still useful to cook and made a hangover soup.

i got bothered by the messy living room. i was about to pick things up but i realized, this is not my apartment. "JUNGKOOK-AH!" i shouted.

"what?!" he answered.

"would you please clean the living room?" i asked

"later." he said.

"what?! clean it now!"


aahhh!!! this guy is so frustrating! i can already feel the tension! i want to punch that guy in his face, stomach and his balls so he wouldn't even get up. i went to his room, "yah! clean the living room!" i said. he's busy playing overwatch on his xbox. "i already told you. later!" he said.

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