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i already know im gonna get questions. ximena is a spanish name pronounced like ha men uh. enjoy (:

"They aren't even gonna want us there," Olivia sighed, placing her head against the car window.

Ximena looked over her shoulder at her sister in the backseat and shook her head, "If they didn't want us living with them then why offer?"

"Out of pity, obviously," Olivia replied, making Ximena chuckle as she pulled up to the Martinez household

As Mrs. Martinez led Ximena to her room, the girl looked over the piece of paper she was handed. "They said they tried to duplicate similar classes from your old school, I hope everything looks good."

Ximena shook her head as the two went downstairs, "It's fine, thank you."

When they got to the bottom of the stairs, the woman led her to her new room. Instead of a bedroom door attached, there was a black sheet hung up for Ximena's privacy. The room was a medium size with a queen sized bed, a standard TV with a single dresser in the corner. The whole room was bare, screaming for someone to decorate. When you exited the room, there was a second bathroom with a rundown washer and dryer.

"I hope this will do for now," Mrs. Martinez warmly smiled at the teenager, "We're kind of a packed house right now."

Ximena grinned back, "Thank you again." The older woman gave her a soft smile before heading back upstairs.

Ximena sat on the bed, beginning to unpack her belongings.

It wasn't much. All her and her sister had time to pack was a single suitcase of clothes, a few necessities and a backpack of personal items. As she continued her unpacking, Ximena could hear small footsteps coming down the basement stairs.

Ruby peaked his head through the sheet, "Please don't be naked, that would be extremely awkward."

Ximena laughed, waving the boy to come inside the room. He swayed back and forth on this feet, obviously nervous to talk to the older girl and Ximena could see that.

The girl softly smiled, "Yes, Ruby?"

"I was just-" he started, "you know." Ruby ran a hand through his hair, chuckling as he spoke, "Wondering if you, you know, wanted to go to a party tonight!"

"A party?"

"Yeah, it's a Santo's tradition to throw one last party before the school year starts and you know, I figured you and Olivia would like to go, especially you, you know, about to go into your senior year and-"

Ximena held up a hand, cutting off the boy's rambling, "What's a Santo?"

Ruby shrugged nonchantley, "Our local gang."

A couple of hours later, Ximena finished her unpacking, met the rest of Ruby's friends and already been 'claimed' by a gang leader.

As Ximena along with her sister, Ruby, Monse and Jamal walked, Monse kept demanding that Jamal spill this 'big' secret but he wasn't letting up due to Ruby's threats if he did.

Ruby put his hands up, done with the constant arguing, "We're not telling you Monse, cause you're crazy! Who knows how you'll react!"

Monse rolled her eyes, looking over her shoulder as a bright, red car pulled up on the block, "There's Cesar with Oscar right now, why don't I just ask him myself?"

"Go right ahead," Jamal challenged, earning a nudge in the side from Ruby.

Monse waved down the car, making it stop as she walked over to the passengers side and began talking to a cute teenge boy, who Ximena could guess was Cesar.

Ximena sighed, watching the girl as someone else was watching her. When she noticed him staring at her, she immediately began heating up with anxiety, trying to look away quickly, which caused the man to smirk.

The driver of the red Impala whistled at the teenager, "Mami, ven aquí!'

Olivia tapped her sister, who was pretending like she didn't notice, "I think he's talking to you."

"Me?" Ximena mouthed to the man, who nodded.

The younger teenagers watched her walk over to the car, in fear and caution. Ximena bent down to the window so she met his eyes, which were squinted and sparkling due to the hot September sun. The man was fairly attractive, a couple years older. He had a clean shaved head, with facial hair to make up for it. Under his left eye was a teardrop tattoo, which made Ximena shiver, knowing exactly what it meant.

"Never seen you before, morenita, what's your name?" He licked his lips, wetting them and Ximena's heart jumped.

She cleared her throat, nervously, "Ximena."

"Well, Ximena, they call me Spooky," his voice hardened as he spoke but then, it softened and he smiled. Ximena noticed how straight and perfectly white his teeth were and forced herself to stop staring, "But you can call me Oscar, baby."

"I'm 17," the girl blurted out, she could hear her sister laughing from behind her and realized how weird that sounded.

Oscar chuckled, placing one hand on the steering wheel, "That's perfectly fine with me, morenita. Hope you're coming to the party tonight."

"I am?" Her answer came out more like a question as she looked at Jamal, Ruby and Olivia for help, they all nodded vigorously. Olivia, out of excitement, Jamal and Ruby, almost like her life depended on it. "I am," she confirmed, turning back to Oscar.

"Sálvame un baile, baby," he replied, making the girl blush, then turned to his brother, who looked more than annoyed, "Come on, Cesar. Deal with your puta later."

Monse flipped the two off as Oscar took off, speeding.

Ruby ran over to Ximena, "Do you realize who you just talked to?"

Jamal flunge his arms around dramatically, "Oscar Diaz, Spooks? The leader of the Santos!"

Ruby put a hand on Ximena's shoulder, shaking his head, "You've just been claimed, girl."

btw this story will be written in english with some spanish here and there for my latinos🇵🇷🇵🇷

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