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"So, this whole thing was fucking planned?" Ximena asked, anger and confusion behind her words. She rose from the couch as Oscar looked up at her. She stood up, grabbing her arm but she snatched it away from him. She walked away, going into the kithen to get away from him but he followed her.

"Escúchame," Oscar said, "Cesar being at the Prophets crib was planned. I had no idea they would come after you, Ximena."

Ximena slammed her hand on the counter, turning around to face Oscar.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Well guess what, they did!"

"I know, amor," Oscar sighed, looking her directly in the eye. Ximena took a deep breath, leaning back on the counter as she ran a hand through her hair.

"It was scary, Oscar," she spoke quietly, her eyes looking down at the tile floor. Oscar stepped forward, placing his hand on hers.

He grabbed it, untangling it from her crossed arms and kissed it, "I know."

Ximena shook her hand, taking her hand away, "I can't keep doing this."

"I know, Ximena."

"No, Oscar," Ximena looked up at hi', her voice raising, "You don't know. I can't keep doing this, I can't keep getting hurt, my friends can't keep getting hurt, because of this rivalry you have with the Prophets. We live in constant fear, we can't walk to school, we can't hang out like normal teenagers, I can't even go to work without getting fucking kidnapped!"

"I kno-"

"Shut up!" Ximena cut him off, holding up her hand to stop him from talking, "I can't, Oscar. I love you. I love you so fucking much but I can't lose anymore people, I can't keep living with this pain and fear."

Oscar didn't say anything, he just looked at her, waiting to see if she had more to say. When she didn't, he nodded, "I love you too."

"How much?" Ximena questioned.

"How much?" He repeated, offended by the question.

"Yes, Oscar, how much? How much do you love me? More than the Santos? More than the money and the robberies? Is that all worth more than people's safety to you?"

"Estás jodido en serio? I shouldn't have to explain how much love I feel for you, Ximena, because one, it can't even be explained. I know you've been through a lot, I know that I caused your pain and what you lost. I have to live with my decision and how badly they've affected your life. I barely can sleep at night and when I do I just see you laying on that dance floor, over and over again. The only good that has come into my life in a long time, I almost lost that night. I'm angry at Cesar. And I hate Latrell, I hate the Prophets. But mostly, I hate myself. I'm sorry but Los Santos son mi familia, they've always been and it's easier for someone else to say all I have to do is stop. I can't, I can't leave even if I wanted to."

Ximena grabbed Oscar's hands, holding them up to her chest, "But you can, Oscar."

"I can't! What do you think I keep telling Cesar? Once you're in this shit, you never get out. You begin to owe people, you get your hands too dirty and dig yourself in too deep. You don't think I want to move on? Live somewhere else, start a life with you, have a normal job while you go to college? Not while Cuchillos is still breathing."

Ximena sniffled as she let go of his hands. She nodded, trying to hold back all of the emotions she was feeling right now, "Then I guess we're done, huh?"

Oscar opened his mouth to respond but a loud banging at the door interrupted the conversation. Oscar walked over, opening it as Jamal, followed by Ruby, barged in.

"We need to talk to you!"

SATIVA ✞ ON MY BLOCK [OSCAR DIAZ]Where stories live. Discover now