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The Martinez family sat together around the table for dinner. Ximena walked out of the kitchen and placed a bowl of rice on the table.

She took her seat next to Abuela as usual, who was demanding to hear the new chisme.

As Ximena told her about Jamal's big game win a couple of weeks ago and his celebration party getting crashed, Mrs. Martinez started bringing out the rest of the food.

"Can you pass the tres leches?" Olivia asked, pointing to the plate on the table, "My mom makes the best tres leches for my birthday."

Ximena sighed, beginning to pick at her food as her appetite left, "Guess not this year."

"Don't say that," Ruby cut in, putting his hands on the girls' shoulders, "Maybe your folks will be home before your birthday."

Olivia shook her head, "In a month? I don't think so."

Ruby stood up from the table, "Wait, your quince is in a month? And you didn't tell us? Mom, Dad, Olivia's quince is in a month!"

"It's not a big deal."

Mrs. Martinez looked at the teenage girl, "Mija, is that true?"

Olivia nodded slowly.

Mr. Martinez started eating his food, "Olivia, don't worry about a thing. I'm gonna get my shifts covered at work so we'll do it here. Just name a date."

Ruby began cheering, running around the dining room, "Olivia's having a chupacabra!"

"You drive so slow!" Ximena groaned, her head against the car window. She watched as cars began going around them, some flipping the two off.

Oscar rolled his eyes, one hand on the steering wheel as the other rested on the girl's thigh, "I ain't hear you offer to drive so cálla."

"We were suposed to be there like twenty minutes ago, Ruby's gonna kill us."

"Whos fault is that," Oscar questioned, looking over at her, "miss, 'c'mon five more minutes,'" he raised the pitch in his voice as he mocked her, causing Ximema to slap his arm in response.

Ruby had quickly began planning for Olivia's upcoming quince. He scheduled the first dance rehearsal for today at Monse's but obviously, the two were too preoccupied to remember to get there on time.

"Whatever, Abuelita drives faster than you," Ximena teased, making Oscar raise an eyebrow.

He smirked, "Oh, really?"

Ximena grinned back, "Really."

Suddenly, Oscar sped up and the vehicle quickly went from the speed limit of 30, to 50, to 60 and up. Oscar watched Ximena's frightened reaction, making him laugh as he began speeding up even more.

She held onto the dashboard, looking through the windshield at the empty road. "Okay, I get it," she warned, starting to get scared but Oscar just continued to speed up, ignoring her.

She watched as another car was beginning to head their way. She vigorously started hitting Oscar's arm, "Oscar!"

The car came to a shortened stop, the breaks screeching again the road and causing Ximena to go forward. Her seatbelt caught her, forcing her back. Her head banged into the seat, "Coño!"

Oscar smiled, undoing his seatbelt, "We're here."

The two entered Monse's house, causing the teenagers to snap their heads in their directions. Ximena took off her jacket, "Sorry I'm late."

Ruby held up a hand at her, "Silencio! No one wants to hear your excuses."

Oscar tapped Ximena, "I'll pick you up later."

Before he could leave, Ruby snapped his fingers, "Um, and where do you think you're going?!"


Ruby let out a dry laugh, turning the dance music up, "Who did you think was going to be Ximena's dance partner? Nice try."

As everyone continued to struggle, Ruby began to lose his mind as he rubbed his temples. "It's a square, people! Turn, and one, and two, and three, and-"

He groaned, cutting off the music, "Guys! No, you're not even trying."

"Ruby, you're a natural, we're not," Monse complained and Cesar nodded, "We need an easier routine."

"Or no routine," Ximena mumbled under her breath.

"Nonsense!" Ruby put his hands up, "You just need some practice. Back to work."

Ximena rubbed her aching feet as she sat on the side of Oscar's bed. He took off his shirt, laughing at the girl, "What's the matter with you, princess?"

"You kept stepping on my feet, dickhead."

"Aw, poor baby," he fake pouted, making her even more angry.

"Nope, I'm officially mad at you," she turned away, crossing her arms over her chest.

He sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly, "Let me make it up to you."

"No, get off of me, you can't do this when I pretend to be mad." She laughed as she pushed him off.

Suddenly, Cesar ran into the room. His face was beat red, his forehead covered in sweat.

"What happened?" Oscar questioned, getting up from the bed.

Cesar shook his head, "Something happened with Latrelle. He pulled a gun, put out a greenlight, man."

"On you?" Oscar pressed. Cesar shook his head, yes, slowly and Oscar sighed, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Aight, I'll handle it. I don't want you leaving this house without me knowing, entiendes?"

Cesar nodded, closing the door as he left the room. Oscar sat back down on the bed, his head in his hands as Ximena rubbed his back.

"What are you gonna do?"

"For right now, keep Cesar inside and safe."

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