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Three Months Later

Ximena stared outside of the window, watching as the men took her things to the car. She was tired of staring at the same view for the past couple of months. She was tired of looking at the same sidewalk and the same parked cars. The abandoned apartment buildings across the street and the ice cream stand that barely anybody goes to. She always thought to herself, "It's January, who would stop for ice cream?" But, the same man would still come everyday. He wore a black beanie on his head to match his dark facial hair and wool coat with matching gloves to keep himself warm. He stood outside almost everyday from eight in the morning to six at night.

There was a blonde woman. Everyday, except Sundays, she would jog past the hospital. She'd stop, stretch for a couple of minutes and continue jogging.

Always at around 2:30, there was a man who'd come, who had dirty blonde hair and a slim figure. Ximena assumed he was some type of important business man. He'd come everyday dressed in a suit and he drove a BMW. She didn't know who the man always visited but when he did, he'd bring sunflowers. Freshly bloomed, bright, yellow sunflowers in a crystal vase.

She would watch him take it out of the car and struggle to not drop it, after he'd make sure to check his reflection in the mirror. He'd wipe his eyes and his face with the back of his hands to make sure you couldn't tell he had just been crying. Then, when he'd come back from his visits, he would just start again.

"You ready to go?" Oscar questioned, placing his hands on Ximena's shoulders.

He hated when she'd do this, when she spent most of her time in the same spot. Ever since Ximena woke up, she refused to move away from the window. Oscar didn't know why she'd do it but he never dared to question her about it. He was just relieved that today would be her last day here. Ximena didn't reply, just nodded her head as she stared at the ice cream man. "The doctor said that it's mandatory that you leave in the wheelchair, but it's fine to get up and start walking again tomorrow."

Ximena nodded again as Oscar turned her around, "I already had your stuff moved in."

"What about Olivia's stuff? Where did it go?" Ximena broke her silence, as she looked up at him.

Oscar sighed, continuing to push the chair, "They had it sent back to your parents in Mexico."

"Do you need anything?" Oscar asked Ximena, as he stripped his jacket off and threw it messily on the floor. His room was left a mess as always and boxes from the hospital took up most of the space now. Ximena shook her head.

Oscar sighed, sitting on the bed, "Some day you're going to have to start speaking more than just three words to me, you know?" Ximena didn't respond, just nodded again. "Guess today isn't going to be that day, huh?" He chuckled, kicking off his shoes.

"Can I just go to sleep?" Ximena questioned, looking at him, "I'm just really tired."

Oscar looked hurt but nodded, "Yeah, of course." He slowly made his way next to her and let her lean into him as she rested her head. It had been so long since he got to hold her, since she had been in his bed and he missed it so much. He'd never admit it but he always had trouble sleeping since she wasn't there next to him. He watched as she slowly closed her eyes and began to fall asleep.

this is literally the most boring intro but obviously we backkkkkkkkkk cause season two finally dropped. the intro is so short cause i just wanted you guys to get a feel of where the story is at now. basically since the last episode of season one olivia died and ximena got shot too but the bullet grazed her spine so she lost the ability to walk for a few weeks and had to slow regain it back hence why she was in the wheelchair BUT NOW SHE GOOD not like emotionally but yall know what i mean but trust me the story isnt going to be this sad and depressing this is kinda taken place before episode one of season 2

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