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"So, what you're saying is, you guys aren't together?" Jamal questioned, continuing to clip his nails.

Ximena sat on his bed with him, filing hers. "We are! We're just taking some space from each other."

"Or you're getting your space from him."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Jamal looked up, "You just spent the past couple of months with him everyday, while you were going through something traumatic. Maybe it's you who needs the space."

Ximena rolled her eyes, blowing the dust off of the filer, "Whatever."

Jamal shrugged, "It's true, Ruby's been in the same funk you've been in."

"I'm not in a funk," Ximena argued, sighing, "how is Ruby?"

"Same as you." Ximena shook her head, not wanting to stay on this subject. She put the nail filer down on the bed and stood up, pacing.

"I know you are not gonna leave those nail beds looking like that," Jamal looked her up and down.

"I wanna go see him," Ximena stated, getting her shoes on.

"You guys just broke up."

"Not Oscar, Ruby!"

Ximena sighed before knocking on the wooden door a few times.

"Un momento!" A female voice yelled as tiny footsteps ran back and forth. The door swung open to Abuelita, who was panting like she was out of breath. She held her rope closed with one hand and smiled, "Ah, Ximena, niña! Come in, come in."

She stepped back, allowing the girl to step inside. The girl looked around at where she used to live, which immediately gave her chills up her spine.

"Cómo has estado?"

She looked over her shoulder, "I've been alright." She took in Abuelita's appearance. She had on a short, pink silk rope, her hair was a mess and she was still trying to catch her breath.

Ximena gasped, "Abuelita!"


Ximena stepped forward, placing her hand by her mouth, "What were you doing before I got here?"

Abuelita chuckled, "I may have one of my manos over."

Ximena laughed, "A Dios, do you know where Ruby is?"

"He just left, you may be able to catch him down the block."

"Ruby!" The boy turned around quickly, squinting at the girl, walking towards him.

"You're back," he gasped.

Ximena chuckled, "Nice to see you too." Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around the girl, even though one of his was strapped in a sling. She did her best to try to hug him without hurting him.

"I'm sorry," he said, his words muffled in the girl's shoulder.

"None of it was your fault," Ximena held him tighter. When she felt her shirt become wet, she pulled him back. "Hey, hey," she laughed, "why are you crying?"

"Because life sucks," he answered, shrugging.

Ximena chuckled, turning him back around as they walked, "Yeah, I know."

"How long have you been back for?" Ruby questioned.

"A couple of weeks now, Jamal's parents are letting me stay with them."

"You could still stay with us, you know, we kept your room untouched."

"Yeah, I just feel like it wouldn't feel the same."

Ruby nodded, "There goes your boy right there." He gestured the arm in the sling to Oscar, who was sitting on the lawn. He had a beer in his hand as he looked forward, surrounded by his "friends".

Ximena mumbled under her breath, "Not really my boy."

She grabbed Ruby as they crossed the street before reaching the Santo house but Oscar already spotted them.

He whistled at them, "Hey! Hey, I'm talking to you!" Ruby looked at Ximena, who shook her head. She hadn't spoken to Oscar for a couple of weeks and she didn't really feel ready to. Ruby put his head high, stomping over to Oscar.

"What?" He spat at Oscar, his voice full of annoyance.

Oscar chuckled, leaning back in his lawn chair, "You good?"

"No, I'm not good!"

"Yo, chill out."

"Chill out?" Ruby screamed, making Ximena flinch at how loud he was getting, "That's all you got as you sit there on your damn throne? I got shot! Ximena got shot! And my friend, the most amazing person I ever known, died because of you and for what? Nothing! Nothing but some bullshit thief that means nothing! And that night won't stop playing on auto repeat in my head, and every time I move my arm, which is often because I'm a gesticulator, it kills, further reminding me of that night, thanks to you, so don't tell me to chill out!"

Oscar looked over Ruby's shoulder at Ximena, before winking at her. He turned his attention back to the young boy, who was still shaking with anger. "You must be in the anger stage."

SATIVA ✞ ON MY BLOCK [OSCAR DIAZ]Where stories live. Discover now