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Even though their make out session came to a stop, Oscar stayed with Ximena for a while. While they laid together on the bed, Ximena could hear loud yelling, footsteps and the front door slamming upstairs.

"I think Cesar might be here," she said, picking her up from Oscar's chest. They went upstairs to the overlapping yelling of all of the teenagers.

"Well, Ruby's in love with Olivia!" Monse screamed, pointing at the boy.

"What! No, I-" Ruby stuttered, not able to get his words out.

"Wow, you guys are messed up," Oscar blurted out, causing everyone to go silent.

He looked over at Cesar, "We need to go."

"Right now?" Monse asked, angrily staring at Cesar.

"Business," was all Oscar said, kissing Ximena before opening the front door.

"But it's a lockdown!" Ximena reminded. As soon as she said that, all of the electrity began turning on, lighting up the block.

"Not anymore," Oscar smiled, lighting a cigarette as Cesar followed him out.

"So, since we're all revealing secrets," Jamal clapped his hands together, pointing to Ximena, "would you like to tell us what you and Oscar were doing downstairs? In the dark? For four hours?"

For the next couple of days, school was extremely awkward. Everyone seemed to try to avoid each other as much as they could, and when they couldn't, a lot of tension lingered.

Lunch consisted of a lot of silence and cold stares, mostly between Ruby, Monse. and Cesar. While the teen drama went on, Ximena thought it was best to let them handle it on their own.

Her and Jamal began hanging out more, and he filled her in on his RollerWorld adventure. As they walked down the street, they were about to pass the Santo house when Jamal came to stop.

"Do you think Oscar would be kind enough to tell me about Lil' Ricky? Or would he just beat me up?" Jamal questioned, gulping fearfully.

Ximena rolled her eyes, "Oscar wouldn't do that."

"Of course he would!" Jamal exaggerated, pointing over Oscar in front of his house, "He's Spooky!"

"He's actually sweet."

"Yeah, to you! Me on the other hand," Jamal scratched the back of his head, "I don't think he will be all warm and fuzzy towards me."

Ximena sighed, pushing Jamal forward as they crossed the street, "Just ask him, coño."

Oscar was surrounded by his usual crew, smoking a cigarette as he leaned against his car, "Que lo que?"

He nodded towards Jamal, who looked at Ximena, basically crying for help. Ximena nudged him forward again, "Jamal has something to ask you."

"Yes, I do. Uh, Oscar, Mr. Oscar, sir. Spooks, Spooky," he laughed, nervously.

"Spit it out, fool," Oscar waved him on, taking a drag of his cigarette, throwing it at Jamal's feet.

"Do you know a Lil' Ricky?"

"I know lots of Rickys, chico, be more pacific."

"Specific," Jamal corrected, making Oscar stand up.


"Nothing, nothing! Um, a Ricardo Guerrillo?"

Oscar and the rest of his friends began laughing, "Oh, Lil' Ricky. What you want with him, man?"

"Just to talk."

Oscar patted Jamal on the shoulder, roughly, making the teenager flinch. They walked off, leaving Ximena with Oscar's friends. She tilted her head towards the group of guys eyeing her, "Staring problem?"

They muttered things under their breath, walking away from the girl. A couple minutes later, the two came back, Jamal looking more frightened than he already was.

"Que pasó?" Ximena questioned but Jamal walked right past her.

She hit Oscar in his arm, "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing," he rolled his eyes, "just that Ricky isn't someone people wanna find."


"For reasons."

"Whatever," Ximena ran after Jamal, who was alredy almost down the block.

"No kiss?" Oscar yelled after the girl, who replied with flipping him off.

"Kiss my ass!" She yelled back, continuing to walk away.

Oscar held out his arms, "Hey, I'm down with that!"

SATIVA ✞ ON MY BLOCK [OSCAR DIAZ]Where stories live. Discover now