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Ximena stared at her surroundings, taking in the overwhelming white walls.

On the walls were photos of flowers and animals, who's purpose were probably to lighten the mood, but just ended up making things more depressing.

A sign on the back of the door read her name, who her nurses were, and a chart for how much pain she was feeling that day.

Ximena continued to zone out as the doctor talked to Oscar, who stood next to her.

A seperate bathroom was to the left of her and in reality, it was only a few feet from the bed. But, Ximena dreaded how difficult it was going to be to be able to make it.

At the end of the bed waited a wheelchair, that basically mocked her.

Ximena hated that chair. She hated not being able to walk. She hated being waited on and her every move being watched. She hated the pity stares from the doctor and the nurses. She hated how she made her friends uncomfortable everytime they came to visit. She hated that Oscar had to spend all of his time here. She hated how much the stupid coach hurt his back when he'd spend the night with her. She hated seeing how affected everyone was by what happened. She hated her life.

"Are you listening, Ximena?" Doctor Ray questioned, tilting his head at the girl. Ximena snapped out of her daze, looking at the man before nodding. When he gave her the same fake smile he always did, Ximena turned away, staring back at the wheelchair.

"So, how much longer of this physical therapy stuff?" Oscar asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"We'll give it about another month or so, she's improving very well considering her circumstances when she first arrived."

Oscar nodded before thanking the doctor and he exited. Oscar sighed, grabbing Ximena's hand, following her eyes to see what she was staring at.

"Hey," he said softly, trying to gain her attention, "you heard that? You're gonna be out of here soon, amor." Ximena didn't respond, just nodded. Oscar let out another sigh, sitting back in the same seat he had been sitting in for the past couple of weeks. Ximena ducked her head down, feeling herself about to cry again.

She watched as Oscar rubbed his temples slowly, his eyes closed as he moved his head back and forth. Through out this whole time, he always made it a point to never leave her alone. No matter how cold she would be towards him, the little emotion she would exhibit, he never left. When she'd get frustrated, when she'd cry, when she'd yell at him, he always stayed and just let her release whatever she was feeling on him. Ximena hated her life. She hated that she couldn't give any feeling other than anger. She hated she couldn't show Oscar love like she used to and she hated that she didn't even have the urge to anymore. Ximena was scared that one day, he wouldn't be able to take it anymore and leave. But, she could never find the courage to ask him to stay, and she didn't have to. He never left, it never even came across his mind.

Ximena slightly cracked a smile, watching as he began to fall asleep, awkwardly sitting up in the uncomfortable chair. Oscar's soft snores filled the emptiness of the hospital room and Ximena just watched. She watched as his chest dramatically rose and fell, she watched as his face would make these slight twitches. And she never felt so thankful for someone until then.

i didnt think i would have to clarify ..but this is a flashback chapter to when ximena was in the hospital after the shooting.......

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