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"¿Quién carajo es esta perra, huh?" Oscar straightened up, pointing at Logan in the car as Ximena got out. His arms appeared bigger than they normally were as they stood out of his white muscle tank. The veins were bold and blue, making it almost terrifying to look at. A matching vain rain down Oscar forehead, throbbing as he spit on the lawn.

Ximena held up her head, pressing it against his chest, which was harder now, "You need to calm down, first of all. What are you even doing here?"

"I came to see you!" Oscar yelled, making the girl flinch at the sudden loudness, "But, nah, I just see you here with this coño."

"Is coño bad?" Logan yelled, muffled through the car window. Oscar jumped forward at the boy but

Ximena pushed him back again, "Te calmas o te calmo!"

"Get out, pussy," Oscar gestured to Logan, waving him out. Sweat was falling off of his face and spit flew from his mouth as he yelled.

"We're not even together anymore!" Ximena screamed, getting extremely frustrated of how Oscar was actually. He wasn't only embarrassing himself but he was embarrassing her.

"That's not the point," Oscar spit at her, lowering his voice as he caught his breath, "just because we take a break doesn't give you any right to do some shit like this."

"Any right?" Ximena laughed, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm not a fucking perra, I'm a person, Oscar. I can do whatever I want, which wasn't even anything!"

Ximena took a deep breath as she heard the car door close behind her as Logan got out.

"Yeah man," he put his hands up, "I was just giving her a ride home from work."

"Oh yeah?" Oscar questioned, tilting his head before looking at Ximena, "¿Qué más te estaba dando?"

Ximena's vision went black as she raised her hand across Oscar's cheek. She backed away, shaking at what she had done and she was frightened at what he was about to do. Oscar took a deep breath, touching his face as it began to sting. He nodded, his head slowly going up and down.

"You know what," he stepped forward towards the girl and Logan stepped forward, ready to jump in. But, all Oscar did was look at her and nod. She had never seen this look in his eyes before and it brought chills throughout her entire body. "It's fine," was all he said, 'It's fine."

Ximena watched him walk away, wiping her face as her tears began uncontrollably falling. She watched as he got in his car, speeding away. Her breath began shaking as Logan caught her as she fell. She began to just cry. She had been holding in so much for the past couple of weeks that she couldn't just do it anymore.

After a couple of minutes of letting herself feel, the girl began to calm down and straighten herself up.

Logan wiped her face, pushing her hair out of the way, "Are you okay?"

Ximena nodded, sniffling and fixing herself, "Yeah, yeah. I'm good."

"Do you need me to stay with you?"

"No, I just need you to forget about this," Ximena said, wiping her nose, "Seriously, just forget this ever happened."

Ximena turned around and forced herself to walk in the house and straight to her room, leaving Logan standing on the lawn.

SATIVA ✞ ON MY BLOCK [OSCAR DIAZ]Where stories live. Discover now