-Chapter TwentyOne-

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Snow's POV

So today's the day my best friend comes back from New York. And I'm not gonna lie but I'm actually pretty jealous that she's going off to New York university, I would have but the Uni me and Ghostiee are both going to is one of the top Uni's in the world.

I also don't want to leave my Gran or Scamp! I think leaving them in Korea to study elsewhere would be like leaving a limb behind.

"Ren is due to land any minute now" I hear Bambam repeat himself as I notice Ghostiee was in her own little daydream land.

The announcement woman says something but it's super mumbled and I can't hear anything over Ghostiee clapping like a six year old.

"Was that the announcement for Mark and Ren's plane?" Bambam asks me.

"I actually have no idea" I shrug

Not having Ren around the last few days has been weird. Yugyeom's been moping around, Jackson has been at the gym a lot more, Bambam has been spending more time with me and Ghostiee.

Even Tae.

He has been all down like, but then again he must be super tired because of all the work for their new comeback. It'll be nice to have her back.

"I have one question though" Ghostiee says and I look in her general direction.

"What is the question?" Bambam asks her.

"Where is Yu-"

"Yugyeom? He's over there" I cut Ghostiee off as I see Yugyeom wonder into the airport.

"Never mind" she laughs it off and as we get joined by Yugyeom.

"Sorry I'm late, JB was going on about practice later as I missed yesterday's" he apologies.

"All that matters is that you're here now dude" Bambam elbows him and places a hand on his shoulder.

Me, Bambam and Ghostiee always spoke about Yugyeom and Ren. It was both bad and good.

Some of the good things were about how they both equal each other out, like Yugyeom can get a little too much and Ren will calm him. Their hight difference is cute, Yugyeom is a giant and Ren is a dwarf. Okay if she finds out I called her that she'll murder me. And also how when they're together they are always happy.

And then there is the bad things. For example the arguments. The little stupid petty arguments. The secrets. The not trusting one another, the trust issues. One of the main things about Yugyeom is that he doesn't really trust Ren when she goes to see BTS because of one person.


He's even said to Bambam, that he's jealous of Tae. I only know because Bambam sort of told me even though he wasn't meant to.

But that's besides the point. We came up with more bad things than good for their relationship. We can't even think of a good ship name for them.

But if they're happy then they're happy, that's all that matters, but all I know if that Ren needs to get her ass back home so Yugyeom can stop being so miserable.

"That's her plane" Bambam points. Ghostiee starts to clap again we've all missed her, but I can't wait to hear all about New York.

Serenity's POV

I heard the airhostess say something about landing but I have no idea what it was as I paused my music just a little late. I lean over to Mark, I poke his cheek which earns a small side eye.

"She basically said we will be landing in less than ten minutes" he says.

"That's not what I was gonna ask but thanks" I say putting one earphone back in.

"Yes it was don't lie" in hear him chuckle before I press play on my screen.

We soon enough land and we do all the processes of the luggage and we both make our way to the door.

"MARRRKKK!! REEEENNNN" We both freeze and look to each other. We slowly turn around to see Snow, Bambam, Ghostiee and Yugy all stood behind us.

"Run to him" Mark whispers in my ear. I look to him them back to the others.

I do as Mark says.

I run to Yugyeom. Colliding into him he lifts me up into a hug where I wrap my legs around his waist.

He slowly puts me down and he looks into my eyes and then just suddenly kissed me. It was a sweet yet passionate kiss.

"Eww guys get a room" I hear Bambam say. I smirk as I stand by Yugyeom's side and rest my hand on his chest.

"Yugy's room will do" I look at Bambam and he points to me and Yugyeom.

"You wouldn't" I start to chuckle as does Yugyeom.

"Who says we haven't already" I say without a filter.

"Ew much?" he frowns at me before glaring at Yugueom.

"Love you Bammie" I blow him a kiss whilst he rolls his eyes.

"Let's just go back to the dorm" he groans and we all burst into a fit of laughter.

"Guys if Jackson finds out you've been mean to Bambam you do realise how much shit you're in" Mark pipes up and I shrug.

"Jackson loves me, he wouldn't tell me off" I chuckle. Mark rolls his eyes at my statement which earns him a slap across his bicep.

We got half way home and my knee started hurt quite a bit. I think Yugyeom noticed as he stopped walking.

When I was younger me, JB, Mark, Jinyoung and Jackson we all out and about messing around. It was all fun and games till I tripped up and smashed my knee on the ground. One of the guys called an Ambulance. Some stuff happened I can't really remember as I was out of it because if the pain medication I was given. Anywho, turns out I was only like 2 inches away from breaking my knee. But ever since then I've had problems with it.

"Get on my back" he smiled lightly, I shake my head.

"I can walk Cutie, plus the dorm isn't far away now" I say before pecking his cheek. I go to walk away but remember he had hold of my hand. I only remember because as I took a step away he yanked me back to him.

"Ren, I can tell by the way your walking the either your legs ache or your knee is giving you a hard time" I smile at him which makes him frown at me.


"Nothing" I giggle as I limped behind him and jump onto his back.

"Don't forget my suitcase" I remind him because I know he would have forgotten it.

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