-Chapter FiftyNine-

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Serenity's POV

We soon enough we arrived to the restaurant, we got seated and handed menus. Me and Tae sat opposite each other looking through the menus for the restaurant. Mark had brought me here before so I knew what I wanted to order to I just went straight to drinks first.

"Hey guys can I get you any drinks?"

"Yes please, I'd like the purple rain and a pint of coke please" I tell our waitress who nods and jots it down before looking over to Tae and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'll just have a pint of coke please" Tae smiles politely at her, blushing she writes his order down.

"I'll go and grab those for you then I'll take your orders" she says before walking away from us.

I close the menu and put it back into the stand as I already knew what I wanted to order. So I just ended up sitting in silence looking around the room.

"Rennie are you okay?" Tae asks me, looking up at him I tilt my head at his question.

"Yeah I'm all good except from the waitress was crushing on you! Why do you ask?" I question him back he shrugs.

"I didn't notice, but she's nothing compared to you, but I asked because just went quiet that's all, maybe you're just hurt?"

I frown at him before I give him a questioning look. "Why would I be hurt Tae?"

"When you fell from heaven? Surely it must have hurt?" He smiles, I shake my head at him.

His stupid cheesy one liners always make me smile.

"Actually I wouldn't know if it hurts to fall from heaven as I climbed my way up from hell" I tell him with a straight face. His face goes blank for a mere second before he smirks a little.

"That's why you're so fucking hot then" he smiles at me as I shake my head at him once again.

"Here are you're drinks" our waitress tells us as she arrives at our table. Putting our drinks on the table she steps back pulling out her small notepad and pen from her waist apron.

"Are you guys ready to order?" She smiles and I nod.

"I'll just have the cheese calzone with garlic bread please" I say to her whilst she writes it down.

"And for you sir?"

"I'll have the classic burger with chips please" Tae says to her whilst she continues to write it down.

"Thanks guys, I'll bring them along shortly" she smiles only at Tae before walking away.

I pick my purple rain drink up and mix it with the straw I was given before sipping though said straw.

"Do you know what purple means?" Tae randomly questions me, looking up from my glass of drink, I give him a rather confused expression.

"It's the last colour of the rainbow colours, purple means I will trust and love you for a long time" still looking at him I give him a small smile whilst he smiles big.

"You just made that up didn't you?" I ask leaning forward and poke his cheek.

"Maybe" He cutely giggles making my smile grow bigger. No words can explain how much I love this nerd. No words.

The night continues to go perfect. Just sitting opposite him makes my world brighter. No words have to be spoken. Just being with him is all I need.

We finished up in the restaurant, Tae insisted that he paid, obviously I argued a little with him about it as I don't want him to always pay when I have money too, but I eventually gave in.

Walking hand in hand, fingers interlocked, I smiles to myself. I leaned into him as I shivered a little. I was absolutely freezing.

"Rennie are you cold?" Tae softly asks me.

"Just a little but I'll be fine" I lie. As I look up to him I see him looking down at me. Frowning. He stops dead and lets go of my hand. Watching him as he quickly jakes his jacket off, he smiles at me.

"I don't want you being cold" he smiles as he stands in front of my to put his jacket over my shoulders.

"But now you're going to get cold" I pout as I look up at him.

"I'd rather you be warm than me, you know me, you always come first, always have done and you always will" he kisses my forehead, I lean into his chest. Not even a second later I feel his arms around me, hugging me tight.

This is another thing I have missed. His hugs.

"Come on we've got one more thing before this date is over" he says pulling away from the hug and taking my hand.

"What else have we go to do?" I quietly ask him.

"You'll see"

"A surprise? You know I ha-"

"Hate surprises, I know but you'll like this one! Rennie do you trust me?" He turns to look at me. For a couple of seconds I get lost in his dark chocolate eyes.

"You know I trust you" I smile at him, he responds back with a smile. Taking my hand again we continue to walk.

We walk in silence, a nice silence though. We don't have to talk every second. As we walked I leaned into him I eventually end up hugging his arm. Just to be closer to him.

We come to an abrupt stop and Tae lets go of my hand and gently pulls his arm free. "What are you doing?" I whisper and he smiles before he stands behind me and covers my arm.

"Trust me, just walk forward and follow my directions" I smile and slowly nod at his words. Taking a small step forwards I continue to walk. "Okay turn right" doing as he said I turned right and continued to take steps forwards. "Okay and stop" I stop walking but still see nothing, as his hands still covered my eyes. "Keep your eyes closed"

"Why? What for?" I question him, I can feel him smiling as he still covered my eyes.

"Promise me you'll keep them closed"

"I promise" I feel his hands move away from my eyes, and keeping my promise I kept my eyes closed, not knowing the reason why.

I stood still with my eyes closed shut, I could hear walking around but I couldn't open my eyes to see, which just made me paranoid but I knew that Tae wouldn't leave me.

I go to say something but before I do I felt two plump lips come into contact with mine. I smile a little before I return the kiss. I keep my eyes closed, but I go on my top toes. My arms slide around his neck as he sweetly kisses me.

He shortly pulls away. I keep my eyes closed just as I promised. "You can open your eyes now" I hear his voice say. He sounded close yet far away?

Opening my eyes I see Tae stood a couple of feet away from me. He was holding a sunflower in his hand. He was smiling wide, the smile and always made my heart melt.

"I know it's not a fancy rose or anything but I know your love for sunflowers and you're the sunshine of my world" he smiles. His cheesiness never fails to make me smile.

Coming unstuck from where I stood I took a couple steps so I am closer to him. I look to the sunflower that he is holding before taking it in my hand. Going on my tiptoes I kiss his lips quickly, I stand back down with my feet flat on the ground before looking up to him.

"I'd rather have one sunflower from you than one million roses from any other boy"

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