-Chapter ThirtyFive-

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"Dude that defiantly needs to happen" I say pointing to Mark who had just suggested something for our new MV.

"Also it feels weird Jackson not being here" Youngjae pouts.

"It feels quieter without the two loud ones" Jinyoung frowns.

I do agree with Youngjae. It seriously does feel weird without Jackson. But he's got his own things to do over in Thailand and China, so he's missing out on a couple of our new comeback stages. I wasn't going to put so much stress onto him by making him do his solo stuff and then also make him come back to do a comeback. With all the going back and forth to three different counties and his solos, if I add this comback to his list the poor guy won't have time to sleep and it'll just make him ill.

But then I also agree with Jinyoung. Both of the two loudest ones aren't here at the moment and it just feels off. We all know Jackson is the hyperactive puppy of this house but him not being here it's just been so quiet, but he'll be back soon so there will be more than DabDab to keep the house alive.

But then also not having Ren here it feels like the whole household has changed. We all miss her like crazy. Especially Yugyeom. He hasn't stayed in his and BamBam's room since she left and it's been two months in a week.

I do worry for him as he really does like her. Like I never knew how much he did till she left. He tries so hard to talk to her but the time zones make that hard for him. I feel like since she's left he's matured a little. But he's still our lil maknae, and always will be.

"Don't worry DabDab is here!" BamBam jumps up from the sofa and dabs.

"I was thin-" I was cut off by a door slamming.

We all look in the direction that noise came from and see Yugyeom pacing back and forth. He then suddenly stops look to his phone then continues to pace.

"What up Maknae?" I ask him whilst he still paces.

"What's up with me? Your sister" He snaps back at me, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" I simply and calmly ask.

"She" he points to Ren's room. "Is what up with me, your freaking sister" he repeats himself.

I stand up and fold my arms. "And what has my sister done that's so bad now, and be careful in what you say next"

"What hasn't she done! So I have no clue what she is doing in New York right, so I call her and she declines, I text her and I get ignored and I know that she's awake because she was texting me before she stopped, so when she finally calls me back we argue and she says and I quote 'you constantly jump to conclusions! I wanted this long distance shit to work but clearly it isn't going to' like seriously it's like she doesn't even want to be with me anymore!" Yugyeom snaps back at me and I take a deep breath.

"If I'm going to be honest with you, you do jump to conclusions a lot with Ren, you know she has paranoia and trust issues, so you not trusting her won't help at all, yes I know you adore and love her with all your heart, but you need to remember that she is studying away, and she probably finds it hard not being here with her family and friends like she has been for the past ten fucking years! You constantly pick every fault up and that's that starts the arguments, and if Ren said it's not going to work so be it, but give her a chance" I bark back at him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm just trying to help Yugy, like I said I know you love her but maybe you and Ren should take a break see if that makes it better, but that's my personal opinion, but you need to focus on this comeback as well, seeing as we leave to start the tour the day after tomorrow!" I say and walk towards my room.

Don't get me wrong I love how happy Ren and Yugyeom are when they're together but if I'm going to be honest, I wouldn't mind Ren dating Tae again, they hardly ever argued, if one didn't answer a text or a call they would just wait till the other replied. But Yugyeom thinks that Ren will fall to his feet everytime but she's not like that.

Not at all.

I pull my phone out from my jean pocket and go through my contacts. I then come across the contact "Lil Sister📷". I tap the little call button, and wait for it to ring.

I've not spoken to her in ages I actually miss her annoying personality.

Yugyeom's POV

I watch JB walk off to his room and shut the door. "Does he even realise tha-"

"Yugyeom can I talk to you?" Mark Hyung asks me and I nod.

"Ooo someone's in trouble" Bambam giggles, Mark flicks the back of his head as we walk into his and Jackson's room.

"You need to chill a little with Ren" was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"What?" I blurt out, he points to his bed.

"Sit" he says as he sits on Jackson's bed. I slowly sit on the edge of his bed.

"Look Yugyeom, ever since Ren left for New York everyone has been off and you going off-on-one about her not answering your messages is just a little pathetic, we're all stressed out because of this upcoming tour and not having Jackson here at the moment isn't helping either" he says and before I can speak again he does.

"Yes we all miss Ren! You, JB and Tae especially, but she's told me that you've hardly spoken to her about her uni life, but Tae has! You are her boyfriend, not him, yet you're not acting like it, Yugyeom you are like my little brother, but I'm on Ren's side this time, I have heard you guys when you argue in the past and do jump to conclusions, and if you keep going you are just going to push her away and then you'll have to deal with the consequences" he truthfully tells me, and I just take it all in.

"Mark I completely understand, but this is killing me, not having her around 24/7, not being able to see her when I want, not being able to hear her voice, I just miss her so much, I am trying so so hard to be happy for her, but I have no idea what she is doing, I hate her being so far away and I don't want her to be out there, I wanted her to stay here and become and idol along side us, but she didn't want that" I literally let everything out and Mark just looks to me.

"Yugy none of us wanted her to leave, not just you, we all wanted her to stay, but it's what she wanted to we're just all being happy for her, like a Family should, and you should be one of the most supportive people as you're her boyfriend! But like I said keep going the way you are and she might just leave you, you guys need a healthy long distance relationship, yet the one you guys have at the moment is lacking a lot of things" he argues further.

"I know, you're right! But I don't know what to do anymore, I'm trying so hard, but I'm just failing at this, maybe what Ren said was right, maybe the long distance isn't going to work" I stand up as I feel my eyes fill with tears.

"I am trying to be strong, I'm trying so hard, but I can't Mark! I'm just going to do what JB wants and focus on this tour" I admit.

"Just do want you feel is best, we'll always be by your side and you know that we're all brothers, just maybe try not to argue with Ren, ask how Uni is, even though you hate that she's there, smile through the pain" he smiles my way as I give a little nod.

"Anyway its time to pack dude, we're leaving in a couple days for Hong Kong" he says and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I'll help you come on" he smiles, as we walk out of his room into the main room.

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