Chapter 29 ✔️

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"That was quite the little show." He muttered.

"What . . . oh the lullaby, that was nothing." I told him as I pulled my pajamas out.

"It's your favorite song, you hum it to yourself when you're working on cars." he said.

"Really? I never noticed."

"I know, it's cute."

"What's wrong with you? I can tell something's bothering you." I said.

"Nothing, I've just been thinking about the conversation we had."

"Babe, amor, I'm not . . ."

"I'm not going to lose faith Kay, I chose not to because one day you will sing that lullaby to our child. One day that will be you sitting on the rocking chair with our baby instead of rocking Jack or someone else's child."

"I don't know what to think about it at this point but I don't want to lose faith. I don't want to lose the hope for that family." I told him, trying to convince myself that it was a good idea.

"Good because I won't give up on it, we'll have our family and our big house by the water"

"I don't care about the house, as long as we're together that's all that minds to me."

"Ride or die baby."

"Ride or die, Toretto."

"Come on, let's take a shower."

After a week in Mia's house it was time to go back home, Mia wasn't all that content with it but I miss my own place. Dom convinced his sister to let us go with a promise that we would be there everyday and that we did. For the next month we were there everyday for a few hours before going back home and working on our cars.

One morning Dom woke up before me and was ready to get out of bed before I was ready to even open my eyes. He gave me a quick kiss and got out of bed, leaving me to snuggle in against the sheets naked and by myself. My morning in didn't last that long before I heard someone familiar and it made me get up. I pulled on a sports bra and a pair of sleep shorts, grabbing a gun and making sure it was loaded before I made my way outside.

"And you ain't gonna need that." Hobbs said when he heard me.

"You can't touch us, Hobbs. You've got no powers at be here . . ."

"I'm not here to extradite anyone. See I've got a few problems with something but I need some help, Dom's help. Not only is he going to come voluntarily, as a matter of fact he's gonna beg me to come. I don't like the implications and the possible outcome is not one that I want to consider but like I said, I need the help. This was taken a week ago, I'll see you out front. I'm sorry Kaylee." he said, handing Dom a large manila envelope and walking away.

"What the hell was that supposed to mean?" I asked, putting the gun on a small table.

"It's impossible." he muttered, pulling out the photos.

The look on his face and the tone of his voice made me curious and since I've never been known for discreteness I went to look over his shoulder. The shocked that rolled through me was immense, bigger than any kind of shock I've ever felt before. More than anything I've ever expected to experience.

"No . . . we buried her. I was there for it, I was at her funeral." I said, stepping away from him.

"I was too. I need to know Kay."

"Why? Why do you need to know?" I demanded, whirling towards him.

"Kaylee, she was . . ."

"He just wants to mess with our heads! Hobbs wants to send you to jail more than anything and this is how he's going to do it! Don't fall into his trap Dominic." I argued, turning away now.

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