We have a deal

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A/N: Hey guys! So happy that today is Friday! And I wanted to let you guys know that i absolutely love the fact that you guys keep reading my work. I am absolutely ecstatic! You guys are amazing but before you guys get started reading the new chapter I have two shoutouts to give out! Please don't forget to Comment and vote so I know what you guys think!

First is to @wander-lvst, who is a new follower of mine, who has added my work to your reading list, 12! Thank you so much!

And next shoutout is to my new follower, @Jayjayb579 , who also added my work to their reading list, to read.

Xoxo Alayna



"HE WHAT?!" I yell at Elle, one of my best friends, as she smiles at my disbelief. I am stunned to say the least at the information Elle was all too excited to tell me. I am literally almost stunned speechless as I play back the conversation in my head.

"Soooo, guess what," Elle excited says barging into my apartment.

"You're pregnant again," I sass in mock annoyance.

"No, bitch" she huffs back at me," just guess please"

"You and Claire are opening a restaurant at another location" I sigh turning to face her.

"No," Elle says dragging out the word cheerily.

"Then what bitch, because I'm tired of guessing and have shit to do," I whine.

"Garrett called me," she squeals like a child at Christmas.

"Ok and...." I ask confused.

"He wants me and Brice to set you guys up," she sing-songs happily.

"HE WHAT?!" was the only response I could formulate because of my confusion.

"Yup girl," She claps cheerfully, "You must have a magic vag."

Instead of responding to her I immediately run out of my apartment to go to next door. I have absolutely no plan of what to say. Elle is behind me, her heels clicking frantically trying to keep up. I reach his door and pound until Garrett comes to answer the door.

He answers the door shirtless and sweaty. His lips tightly pressed together, and his fists balled. I am speechless for a moment. Shaking myself out of my hesitation and finally speak.

"What's your fucking game here," I step forward into his space.

"What the he....," Garrett starts then glances around to see Elle laughing. He then decides to direct his attitude to her, "You started this shit, huh?"

"Yup," she giggles.

"I can't deal with this now," he growls, "I'm in the middle of a session."

"A session?" I squeak making Garrett aware of my forgotten presence.

"He's a photographer," Elle informs me strutting in behind him leaving me to follow.

Watching Garrett work was such a turn-on. He has such control over the couple modeling for their maternity pictures and angles. Even the way he grasps the camera showed power and confidence. And that stare. God, I wished we were alone.

Axelle must have noticed the way I'm so entranced in watching him because she leans over and mentions my problem finding a book cover. I roll around the idea of asking Garrett in my head for a moment then decide I would discuss it when we're alone, whenever that would be.

After about an hour Elle says her good-byes then whispers something to Garrett on her departure which makes him turn to look at me. Soon after, when the clients start to pack up I approach Garrett to say good-bye.

Before I can get a word out he stops me and asks, "What project are you needing a photo for?"

"A book cover," I answer distracted by his mouth and the memory of well he knew how to use it.

"So, you're a writer?" he inquires trying to seem non-conspicuous.

"So, you asked Elle to set us up," I retort back refusing to answer.

He explains, "I have a client who asked for a spread of photos with a woman matching your description. I was going to ask you if you'd be willing to help me out. Now it's your turn to answer,"

"I don't know," I hesitate, "What's in it for me?"

Once I hear the door close I step in closely placing my hand on his belt buckle lifting a brow suggestively.

"No," he replies swatting my hand away. "How about this. You write me one of your dirty little sex scenes like the ones in your books and pose for me and I'll help you create your cover.'

His suggestion makes me freeze. No one has ever asked that of me. And considering the fact I was becoming desperate with my deadline fast approaching, I knew I was going to agree.

"Okay but, on one condition," I tell him sternly, "I want the originals and, for you to draw up a contract signing over copyrights to the cover."

He takes a step forward leaving no space between us. I stand there looking into his eyes waiting for an answer. Instead of words, I get a scorching hot kiss that leaves me weak kneed and light headed.

Garett releases me giving me a second to catch my breath then smiles at me. His only words were, "We have a deal."

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