Garrett To The Rescue

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"Why the fuck did you leave me alone with him," I yell through the phone once I hear Elle on the other side of the line.

"I don't know what you mean," she tells me.

"Nice try bitch, I hear you smiling through the phone," I fume

"Why are you so mad," Elle giggles pausing then declares, "you guys fucked again didn't you?"

"That," I emphasize, "is not the reason, for your information. You left me alone with him and he propositioned me."

"What?!?" She yells at me.

"He said he'd do the cover if I posed for him," I explain leaving out the one detail about writing him a sex scene.

"Wow, he went with that huh?" she inquired

"What do you mean he went with that," I ask.

"Nothing," Elle grumbles.

Our conversation shifts to details for Friday's dinner. And Elle convincing me that making ramen does not qualify as cooking an acceptable meal. She convinces me to try an easy alfredo sauce recipe. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn out like the last time I tried to cook.

After a quick trip to the grocery store, I set out to try and cook this sauce. Three minutes in I hear the fire alarm blaring. I grab the fire extinguisher from underneath the sink and start to put out the fire that ignited in the sauce pan. Once the fire is out and all the windows in my apartment are open I grab the sauce pan to evaluate the damage.

The sauce is a burnt black goo and the pan is ruined. I let out a frustrated growl and threw the pan against the wall causing the black goo to splatter on the floor and a hole in the wall. Taking in the site immediately brings tears to my eyes. I ugly cry sliding to the floor in defeat letting the tears flow.

A knock at my door pulls me from my pity party. I try to make myself presentable to answer the door then give up deciding it's a lost cause. To my surprise, Garrett is at the door .

"What happened," he asks peeking around me curiously, watching the clouds of smoke coming from the kitchen.

"I had an accident n the kitchen while trying to cook," I sniffle

"It's so bad you're crying," Garrett inquire tilting his head sideways.

"I was chopping onions I lie," I lie wiping my face.

"Then why does it smell like burnt milk," he smiles.

"I tried cooking" I explain walking back to the kitchen with him in toe.

His eyes widen taking in the mess, "What the fu....." he pauses looking at me.

"I told Elle it was a bad idea." I shrug sniffling more.

"What were you trying to make" he eyes the black goo skeptically.

"Alfredo sauce," I pout.

"And this happened he says finishing my sentence for me.

"Yup" I say beginning to clean up the mess I made moments ago.

Without a word Garrett begins cleaning the stove top then moves to the wall.

"What are you doing," I ask frantically getting up from the floor again.

"I'M coming to your rescue" he smiles.

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