Morning After Smiles

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A/N: Hello my lovelies! Sorry for the late update but I had my days confused. Anyway,I am so happy to announce that Nice Neighbors has reached over 2k reads and Naughty Neighbors has reached over 1k reads!!!!!! And I am even more happy to say that Nosy Neighbors has rankings which I posted above! I am so thankful to you guys who continuously read every chapter and vote. YOUR SUPPORT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME! It means so much to me to know how much you guys are enjoying my work. BTW i did answer a question at the end of the chapter. If any of y'all have questions for you can comment them or inbox me and I will answer them. No matter the question I will be 100% honest.

Please don't forget to keep VOTING & COMMENTING! And also follow me to keep up with my upcoming work and future updates! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU GUYS!

Xoxo Alayna

Shout outs for this week got to @AngelNelson221for adding Nice neighbors to your reading list! Thank you so much!

And @MglGmez3for joining the fam bam by following me.


I wake up the next morning deliciously sore from all of Garrett's antics last night. He put my body in positions I never thought were possible. It gave me the inspiration I needed to write him the sex scene I had been dreading.

Garrett is still sleeping when I slip out of bed. I quietly head to the kitchen and attempt to make him a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs just like he showed me before. After I plate the food I slip out the front door to get started on my special assignment.

While sitting at my desk I realize exactly what I want Garrett to read and begin to type away letting my mind be consumed by the words that are constructing the literary fantasy Garrett would soon be reading. The words take over and I am lost to the scenario brewing in my imagination.

I have no idea how much time passes until I hear a knock at the door.

I open the door and find Garret leaning against my door frame. He has a wide smile on his face that makes me warm inside. I don't know what it is about this man but he makes me feel like a teenager that has their first crush.

"Good morning beautiful," He greets me as he strolls inside landing a sweet peck on my lips, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me close.

"Morning," I giggle, "To what do I owe this surprise?"

"Well I woke to an empty bed," he starts, "then I had a delicious homemade breakfast but couldn't find the chef to give my thanks."

"You're very welcome," I smile wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Why'd you leave me all alone to take care of myself," he pouted

"So, instead of coming to get me you'd rather jack off? What a blow to a girl's confidence," I joke playfully slapping at his chest.

"I figured you were busy with work stuff," Garr responded lightly stroking my back.

"Good call," I say sweetly looking up at him, "I'm actually still busy."

"I have an idea, why don't you grab your stuff and come work at my place," he suggests squeezing my hip.

The suggestion takes me by surprise especially because this thing between us is still so new. I cast my gaze downward as my mind ran wild with questions.

"And what will you be doing while I work," I question suspiciously.

His answer is simple, "Editing the photos I took of you. I promise to be a good boy."

"Fine," I decide then negotiate pretending to pick lint off his shirt, "but we have to work in separate rooms."

"Where's the fun in that," Gar groans. I can tell he's annoyed.

"I have to approve the final touches to my book, reject the cover suggestions my publisher sent me, and answer some emails. Plus, I have another story I was working on," I huff, "So if we work hard now we can play harder later."

"How hard?" Garrett's curiosity is peaked.

"More than usual," I seductively sing-song.

"Hurry up and grab your shit. The sooner you get started the sooner I get rewarded for my patience," He grumbles.


This week's question:

What is your favorite color?

A: It changes every month, but this month it's gray. And before anyone says anything I know it may seem strange to have a different favorite color every month but I do. And I, frankly don't care what other people think too much so oh well. LOL

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