978 37 17


I close the front door, "I missed you daddy" I hear Lilia

I follow the voice into the movie room, i stop and stare once i see Zach, he really is here. I can't help but feel angry

I scoff and walk away, "Mommy!" Wesley yells

I walk upstairs and i drop down onto the bed, i feel the tears building up. I close the bedroom door and i take my shoes off, i get into bed, the tears fall from my eyes

The door opens, "Baby?"

I scoff, "Don't call me that" I tell him

He sits on the edge of the bed, "Sky, i needed to grieve, you weren't the only one who lost our baby" He tells me

Is he being serious?

"No, you're right, i wasn't. But i had to grieve on my own, you left me when i most vulnerable i needed you!" I yell at him

"Why are you being like this? I'm back now aren't i?" He asks

"I want you out of my house now!" I yell

Zach laughs, "This is my house too"

"It's in my name, it's mine" I tell him

He shakes his head, "I'm not leaving" He says

I break down, "How could you?" I sob

"What?" He asks

I look at him in disgust, i'm not feeling love towards him right now, i'm feeling nothing but hatred, "After i gave birth to our dead baby, after i had to hold our dead baby pretending like he was alive!" I sob

"I get it Sky" He yells

"No, no you don't! You left me Zach, i was grieving as well. I spent so many night waiting for you walk through the door after giving the kids a goodnight kiss, i waited for you to tell me that everything was going to be okay" I yell

"Sorry, i forgot it's the Skylar show, everything revolves around you" He laughs

I wish i could just leave, "Screw you Zach, speaking of screwing actually, how many girls Zach?" I ask

He looks at me angrily, "What?"

"Well whenever things get hard, you cheat on me so how many girls this time?" I ask

He grabs me by the cheeks with one hand, and pulls my hair with the other hand, "You disgust me" He yells in my face

"Zach, you're h-hurting me" I stutter

He slaps me across the face, he pushes me to the ground, i whack my head on the bedside table, "You killed our baby" He screams

My head is pounding, and my cheeks are red. Tears fall down my face nonstop, i feel my heartbreak into a million pieces. Never in a million years did i ever think he could do this to me, he's cheated on me and broken my heart numerous times but never hurt me physically.

He looks at me in shock, "Sky-"

I stand up. I open the bedroom door and i pull Zach by his arm downstairs, "Get out!" I yell at him

"If i walk out that door, we're done for good" He tells me

I nod my head and open the door for him, "I'll have my lawyer send over the divorce papers" I tell him

He looks me in the eyes, i can see the tears that are trying to escape, "I need to pack my stuff first" He says

He heads upstairs, Zach's whole family is staring at me, along with Jonah, "What?!" I yell

"Sky, are you sure you want to do this?" She asks

I hold the back of my head, "Myta, i know he's your son but i deserve better than this. I don't deserve to be blamed for our babies death. And i certainly don't deserve to be mentally or physically hurt by your son" I tell her

"Sky, what are you talking about physically hurt?" She asks concerned

I ignore her and walk upstairs, i'm about to enter the bedroom, but i see Zach looking in a box. He holds a towel to his chest

"I will always love you Toby" He sobs

That's what we were going to call him, Toby

I sit on the steps unsure of what to do, Zach walks past me and heads straight for the door, "Don't go" I shout

He looks at me sadly and walks out that door. I hoped that he wouldn't close that door, and that maybe he would he would walk back in. But that didn't happen, he closed the door and walked away.

I feel my heartbreak even more

It's all my fault

I drove him away

I drive everyone away

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now