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I sit up on the rooftop of a bar. It's quiet here, no one to disrupt me from my thinking.

How did things get so messed up?

All that plays in my mind is "if you truly love someone you don't hurt them". I don't love her anymore, so why does it still hurt? My heart feels like it's being ripped out of me

A door swings open causing me to jump and snap out of my thoughts. I look behind me to see Sky stood by the door, "Sorry, i'll go" She says

"No" I shake my head, "You're fine" I tell her

She nods her head, i look back at the midnight view of Los Angeles, "You stole my thinking spot" Sky tells me

"I know, i didn't know where else to go" I explain

She shakes her head, "It's fine"

I sign sadly, "When did things get so messed up?" I ask

"I've been thinking the same thing" She laughs sadly

"Everything seemed so easy when we were eighteen, huh" I smile at the memories that come into my mind

"Remember when i surprised you for Christmas and i threw up Christmas morning" She laughs

"I remember you being obsessed with my red adidas hoodie, i never saw that after we left for New York" I smile

She covers her face with her hands, "I stole it" She confesses, "It's still at my moms house" She laughs

"I knew it" I shake my head

"Do you remember when you got in my car and i freaked out because i thought you were a stranger?" She asks

"Yes, and you called me dude" I laugh

"I don't remember why i was mad at you at that time but you shouldn't have made me mad" She replies

I shrug my shoulders, "I always make you mad Sky" I tell her

"Where did we go wrong?" She asks

I shake my head, "I wish i knew, but maybe this breakup is for the best" I answer

"Come on, we both know we will be back together soon" She laughs

I shake my head. I stare at the view feeling guilty about what i'm about to say, but she needs to hear it more than i do.

"Sky, we're done for good" I tell her

"You said that last time" She says, "Zach, look at me" She pleads

"I can't" I shake my head

"Please" She begs

I look at her but i don't stare into her eyes like i normally do, my eyes don't light up like they normally do. Nothing feels the same anymore, we don't feel the same anymore.

"I don't love you anymore" I tell her

She shakes her head, "Don't say that, of course you do" She tells me, "You're just confused" She tries convincing herself

"Skylar!" I yell, "I've fallen out of love with you, i'm sorry" I confess

She looks at me in the eyes for the first time tonight, it's like it really hits her. She doesn't see the spark either.

"Oh, my god" She mumbles, "I have to go" She says

She gets up immediately, "Sky, stop" I tell her

Before i know it she's gone. Man, i feel guilty but she needed to know the truth, it's not fair keeping this away from her anymore.

I sign, i get up and i walk back into the building, i take the elevator back to the ground floor. I walk out and i sit at the bar, "A beer please mate" I tell the bartender

"Rough day?" A lady asks me

I turn to her, she's blonde and beautiful, "You have no idea" I tell her

The bartender hands me my beer and i take a few sips, "Try me" She smiles

"Okay, but remember you asked for it" I tell her

She nods her head, "I will" She gives me a toothy smile

Authors Note;


Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now