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I wake up with Kians arms wrapped around me, I lay there smiling for a bit. He makes me feel so happy, honestly happier than Zach made me

I look at the time and it's only six, i close my eyes and i fall back to sleep.

I fall back to sleep with the thought of Kian, i can never seem to get him off my mind now. I was in one of his youtube videos the other day, it was actually so fun, it reminded me of when i used to be in Christina's youtube videos

He treats, and makes me feel like a princess


I wake up to an empty bed, i check the time it's 7:30. I jump out of bed and quickly chuck some sweats and on, i run into both of the kids room and neither of them are in there.

"Kian?" I call

"Downstairs" He says

I walk downstairs, and into the kitchen. The kids are finishing eating pancakes, "You made them breakfast?" I ask

He turns around, "Yeah, you seemed really tired last night, i thought i'd let you sleep in a bit" He explains

I walk over to him, and hug him from behind, while he carries on washing up, "Thank you" I smile

"Anything for you and those little munchkins" He laughs

I smile at him, "What are your plans for today?" I ask

I sit on the side, "I'm going to drop you to your photoshoot, and then i have a meeting with Jc" He tells me, "What's yours besides your photoshoot?" He asks

"Well i might have to cancel my photoshoot" I tell him

"How come?" He asks

I sign, "Zach is being an idiot, he won't pick the kids up from preschool and kindergarten, his excuse is it's not his week" I explain

"What time do they finish?" He asks

"Wesley finishes at eleven thirty, and Lilia finishes at three" I tell him

"I'll pick them up" He says

I shake my head, "No, Zach would have a fit" I tell him

"It's not his week" He winks

I laugh, "Are you sure?" I ask

He nods his head, "Just let the school know and i'll pick them up" He smiles

He wipes his hands with the tea towel, i jump off the side, "Come on, time to get dressed" I tell the kids

"Okay mommy" Wesley says

Lilia jumps off the chair, "I'm wearing my new
yellow top" She yells running for the stairs


I close the door to the my house, my phone starts to ring and i answer it, "Yes Zach?" I ask

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He screams

I end the call, i walk into the living room, "Hey" I smile at Kian

The kids are watching a movie with Kian, i smile at the view, "Hi gorgeous" Kian smiles at me

My phone rings again, it's Zach. I walk out of the living room and into the kitchen, "Don't ever speak to me like that again" I tell him

"Don't leave my kids with strangers then" He yells at me

"I've been seeing Kian for four months, the kids know him and like him" I tell him calmly

"Okay then, next week the kids are meeting Meredith" He says

"Honestly, go for it, i think she's a sweet girl" I tell him

He signs, "You moved on quick" He mutters

I go from calm to angry with that one sentence. How can he say that? I was so hurt by him, i couldn't even look at boys. I feared falling in love again for so long because of him

"I waited eight months, you didn't even wait a week" I snap, "So don't you dare disrespect me like that again, i would of allowed it a year ago, but not anymore. Have a nice night" I tell him

I end the call, i turn around to see Kian, "Hey" I smile

"What's wrong?" He asks

I shake my head, "Like i said, Zach would flip if he found out you were alone with the kids. I don't care, he has to get used to the idea of us" I explain

He walks around and comes really close to me, "Sky, i need to tell you. The last four months have been amazing, i'm really falling for you" He tells me


"No, i need to say it. I love you" He cuts me off

I look at him shocked, "Kian, umm"

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back, say it when you're ready" He tells me

"Thank you" I smile

He loves me?

Do i love him?

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now