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It's been one amazing year! Zach moves in today, i don't think I've ever felt so sure about something in my life, i know that this is what was meant to happen for me. Me and Zach were always meant to come back to each other we just needed to grow on our own for a little, for the first time in so many years i finally feel like we are a family again.

Speaking of family i have not seen Jonah or my dad since the day i found out they were all lying to me, i had a few arguments with Jonah about it in which he told me he was glad he was not related to me. The pain of knowing my whole life was a complete lie has been devastating, heartbreaking, emotional and a massive change in my life. Since that day i stopped feeling like a Marais and started feeling more like myself.

Zach snakes his arms around my waist as i carry a box, "Hello gorgeous" He smiles. I've never seen him so happy to be here, this is going to work and i know it

"Mommy Wesley's been mean to me" She cries

I look at Zach, he rolls his eyes. This has been a constant thing lately, sometimes i feel as though Welsey has seen too much of how Zach used to be towards me and now he's imitating it. I would feel so disappointed and heartbroken if my son felt like how i was treated is an excuse for what he has seen.

"I got it" He tells me, he gently picks Lilia up and takes her into the bedroom where Wesley is, I'm guessing there going to have a chat.

I carry on grabbing boxes and unpacking them for hours, Zach helps once he sorted the situation with the kids out. He's never really been good at playing bad cop, but he's definitely stepped up lately. I hear the doorbell, "Hey mom" I hear Zach say to his mother who has come over to babysit while me and Zach meet our friends for some drinks.

I wear a basic outfit, i really hate my style at the moment it's so basic and i feel like now that I've started modelling again i should really up my game. Kian was always good at helping me pick out clothes, But Zach tells me i look good in everything. I put on a pair of light blue straight skinny leg jeans and a white crop top and basic Air Force. I say goodnight and kiss the kids goodbye, i walk down the stairs and am greeted by Myta in which i give her a hug and exchange chit chat. Zach comes out and we say goodbye to his mother.

We get into Zach's car and i can't help but get nervous, i haven't hung out with everybody for a while. Things really changed when i cut Jonah out of my life, the group really sided with Jonah i mean there girls occasionally sided with me but i felt like that was just because i was there and they didn't want drama. I begin to bite my nails, "What's wrong?" Zach asks

He takes his eyes off the road for a few seconds and looks at me, "I feel like I'm going to be judged for cutting Jonah off" I answer, i mean i am terrified i know I'm just invited because of Zach

He places his hand on my thigh, "Jonah is not going to be there and his name is not going to be mentioned. Okay?" He tells me

I nod my head feeling a lot better knowing that he's sorted it, "Got it solider" I giggle, he shakes his head at me

"Small things please little people" He chuckles still shaking his head at me

We arrive at the restaurant, nothing fancy just a basic L.A restaurant. We go in and greet our friends, i sit next to Blair and Zach, he places his hand on my thigh under the table he always knows when I'm feeling anxious it's actually kind of incredible.

Blair looks at me, "So how have you been?" She asks

I nod my head, "I've actually never felt more happy and content" I smile. I mean i wasn't completely telling the truth in ways of me and Zach being together i was telling the truth but in a way of loosing my brother i was telling nothing but lies.

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now