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We're back at our Coachella house now, i walk upstairs and into my bedroom. I haven't said a word to Kian or Jc since we left Coachella, it was an awkward car ride.

I slam the door shut, Kian walks in and closes it gently, "Are you really not going to talk to me?" He asks

I look at him, "Why didn't you tell me that you were once with Meredith?" I ask

He shrugs his shoulders, "I didn't think it was important" He tells me

"I can't believe you right now" I mumble to myself

He let's out a small sarcastic laugh, "You're just mad that i hurt Zach, aren't you?"

"Do you have any idea how many cameras were just there? Do you have any idea that this is going to ruin Zach's career?" I ask

He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't care, he deserves it" He says, "How dare he ask if i was abusing you" He yells

"Seriously, that's your answer, you don't care" I say

He nods his head, "Yeah, because i don't care. Why are you taking his side?" He asks

"I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No i'm not"

"Yes you are!" He yells

I sign, i grab some joggers and a top from my suitcase and head into the bathroom. I look in the mirror, i shake my head. I wipe my makeup off and i quickly change. I grab my clothes and walk out of the bathroom, i put my stuff in my suitcase

I look at Kian and he's just sat on his phone. I put my trainers on, "Where are you going?" He asks

"Home" I mutter

He stands up quickly, "I'll go with you" He says

I shake my head, "No. I need time to think, because the Kian i saw today is not the Kian i want to be with" I tell him

"You still love him, don't you?" He asks

"I did for longest time, but i fell out of love with him and fell in love with you" I explain, "I'll see you when your back in LA"


I lay in bed watching Full house, i put a chip on my mouth, i chew it and swallow it. My phone vibrates, i look at caller id and it's Zach

I answer, "What do you want?" I ask

"To apologise" He says, "So i'm sorry"

"Zach, a lot of people got that on video, what are you going to do?" I ask

He signs, "I really don't know. You know i never meant to hurt you right?" He asks

"Mentally or physically?"


"Well i don't know if you meant it or not Zach, that day you said three words that i've never heard you say" I tell him

He's silent for a few seconds, "What did i say?"

"I hate you" I mumble

He signs sadly, "Sky, i never meant that. I could never hate you, you still mean a lot to me and i really do care about you" He replies

When he used to tell me i mean a lot to him or he really cares about me, my heart used to flutter, but it didn't this time


"Can i take you out for dinner when we're back in LA? As friends of course" He asks


He chuckles, "Goodnight Sky"

"Goodnight Zach"

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now