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My phone pings a few times and Kian looks at me to ask who it is. I look at my phone, it's Zach asking when i want to go for dinner with him as friends.

I sit up, "What?" Kian asks

I close my eyes and sign, i had completely forgotten. I haven't even talked to Kian about it yet, this isn't going to end well.

"Zach wants me to go to dinner with him, as friends obviously" I tell him

Kian laughs, i look at him confused, "You told him no right?" He asks

"No" I shake my head

His smile soon fades, "What? Why not?" He asks. I look at the blanket thats covering my legs, "Tell me you're not actually thinking about going to dinner with that" He scoffs

"I get it, you don't like him, you don't have any respect or anything for him. But come on, you're being petty. It's nothing more than a dinner as friends" I tell him

He puts his hands through his hair, "I'm doing it again, aren't i?" He asks

"I get it, he's my ex husband it's not right, don't worry about it" I tell him

He shakes his head, "No, i want you both to have a friendship. Seriously, i'm okay with it"

"Really?" I ask unsure

"Yeah" He nods his head, "Plus i'm the one that has you" He smiles

He jumps on me causing me to laugh, he gives me a kiss and i feel my stomach doing backflips, i'm in my twenties does this still happen?


I walk towards a table that Zach is currently sat at, i breath in and out trying to calm down. I reach the table and i sit down

"Hey" I smile

Zach looks up from his phone, he puts it in his pocket, "Oh, hey"

I look around thinking what are we going to talk about, this is awkward. I hate awkward, it's so uncomfortable.

"Are you hungry yet or do you want drinks for now?" He asks

"I'll just have a lemonade for now" I smile

He looks at me confused, "No wine?" He asks

"I'm staying sober, i have a shoot in the morning" I tell him

"Surely one won't hurt" He smiles

Gosh, his smile

It's breathtaking

It's gorgeous

He's gorgeous

"Snap out of it" I whisper to myself


"Nothing" I shake my head, "I'll take that glass of wine actually" I smile

"Red?" He asks

"Yes" I nod my head

We talk for a bit, kind of just a catch up on what's been happening in our lives. I remember at nights we'd both get into bed and most of the time Wesley was in our bed, but we would always tell each other about our days and exciting things that were going to be happening and i honestly miss that a little.

"So have you made up with Jonah yet?" I ask

He nods his head slowly, "Yeah, baby steps though" He laughs

I take a sip of my red wine, "Kian's sorry by the way, he shouldn't of acted that way" I tell him

"I shouldn't of accused him of something that i did" He says

I look him in the eyes, "I forgive you, you know" I tell him honestly

His eyes go wide, "Seriously?" He asks

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now