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I walk through Jonah's door and i see him heading for the stairs, "Hey"

"Have you seen Zach?" I ask concerned

He shakes his head, "No. Is everything okay?" He asks

"He picked the kids up from school, it's not his week and he never even told me" I panic

Worry washes over his face, he walks back down the steps and closer to me, "Call him now" He tells me

I can feel my palms getting sweaty, "I tried but he's blocked my number" I sign

He rubs his face, "He was here last night and he didn't seem himself. He told me he wasn't well mentally and he's going away for a bit" He explains

I get more worried than i already was. I thought he was punishing me for not loving him back, but no. It was so much deeper than could ever had imagined. Zach would never harm our precious babies, but i knew deep down how he is when he gets like this. I felt terrified for what he might do to himself.

"Well where has he gone?" I ask impatient

He shakes his head, "I don't know, i really don't" He answers

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls Zach. He sighs, "His phones off"

I pace back and forth panicking. I bite my nails, that's one of my worst habits, when i'm nervous or anxious i bite my nails.

"Well, what do i do?" I ask

"I mean you could always ring the police" He tells me

I look him dead in the eyes, i was scared for the answer of the question i was about to ask, "you think he could harm the kids?" I asked

Jonah shakes his head, "I'm scared of what he could do to himself" He replies

Before i could even think of what to say, my phone rang making me jump out of my skin. I had never felt so on edge. Without even look at caller id i answered it, "Zach" I say with a little bit of hope

"It's Kian babe, everything okay?" He asks, i pause for a little while not sure if i want him involved or not, "I just a photo on twitter of Zach and the kids at the airport on their way to Texas, you never mentioned they were going away with Zach, just checking up babe" He tells me

"Oh my god" I take a deep breath

Jonah looks at me and mouths, "What?"

"He's gone to Texas with the kids" I answer him, "Kian, i'll call you in a bit babe" I tell Kian before ending the call

I look over at Jonah, "Our flight to Texas leaves in 4 hours, lets go" H says

I went home to grab a few things for me and for the kids, after i packed Jonah met me outside my house and we drove to the airport. After we got through security and everything else we waited in the lounge to board our flight, this whole process couldn't feel any longer, everything felt like it was dragging so much and it was killing me not knowing if my kids and Zach were safe. All three of them mean the world and more to me, it got me thinking maybe i do love Zach. This isn't the time for these thoughts.

After a three and a half hour plane ride, we finally landed. Jonah took our stuff to a hotel and i jumped straight into an uber to our old home in Dallas. I knew he would be here, he felt safe and secure here. I shortly arrived and i opened the door to our old home that had so many memories of when Lilia was a baby, i miss how easy life was back then, we were still so young.

"Zach?" I call out

Wesley came into view running towards me, i keeled down and picked him up holding him so tight. I missed him so much. I put him down, "Show me where daddy is bubbs please?" I asked Wesley

He guided me to the movie room, Zach had Lilia in his arms, "Don't come near me Sky" He warned

Lilia was terrified by the look on her face, she had no clue what was going on, my heart was breaking even more. What is happening to our family right now?

"Zach, you're scaring her, put her down and we can talk, like we used to. Okay?" I offer. He pauses a little bit, he looks a Lilia's facial expression and notices she's scared. He puts her down and she runs over to me, "Lilia go and take Welsey into your old room please" I asked and so she did

I went to walk closer to Zach, "Don't come near me" He put his hand out, "You don't want me, nobody does. I'm no good to anyone" He cries

I take a seat on the sofa near him, "Do you honestly believe that? Those kids absolutely adore you Zach. Your fans? Do you realise the impact on people's lives you've had, you've saved people, made them feel worthy. So many people need you in their lives" I tell him

He sits next to me, looks at me with his beautiful dark brown eyes that are currently filed with tears, "Do you need me?" He asks

"More than you'll ever know Zach" I tell him

He throws his arms around me pulling me into a hug, i hug him back. In this moment i truly realised how precious life really is, i feel scared to think what would happen if i hadn't got here when i did. Would he have hurt himself? Hurt our kids? The thought truly scares me.

He cuddles into me, "I love you Sky" He says on the verge of falling asleep

My phone vibrates, it's Kian.

Kian x
Where are you? Everything okay baby?

Skylar x
Long story short i'm in Dallas taking care of Zach, i'm sorry i won't be home for a few days. I'm really sorry.

Kian x
Guess i have to get used to you always choosing Zach over me, well tonight was a fail. I kind of planned something, kinda feeling like its never going to be the right time anymore.

After i read the last message i locked my phone, i didn't know what to say, he had a point. My life is just to complicated for him i guess. I never wanted him to feel like Zach was more important, but i thought my kids were in danger and that's more important to me. My phone pinged, Kian had sent me a photo.

Kian x
It was meant to be a surprise but oh well. It's late over here, goodnight sky.

Skylar xI'm so sorry Kian, i love you

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Skylar x
I'm so sorry Kian, i love you.

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now