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It's been a few rough weeks, my mom's funeral was so special.....It was the send off that she truly deserved, she had mentioned before that she didn't want dark colours at her funeral she wanted everyone to wear bright colours in which we did. I wore a baby blue dress, it was her favourite colour. I've lost a lot of weight since she passed away, i don't feel myself at all anymore, i feel weak.

Ever since the mu little bicker with Zach, he's been staying at a hotel instead of my family home. Things are just so complicated and sometimes i just don't believe that we will ever work again, so many things have happened that it just doesn't feel worth it to go through the pain of the relationship failing again.

Jonah knocks on the door, "Shhh...Wesley is having his nap" I whisper

He comes and sits on the edge of the bed gently trying not to make a single sound, "You fancy a trip down memory lane?" He asks

I pull a confused face at him, a trip down memory lane? "What do you mean?"

He points to the attic, "Let's go and look at our childhood memories" He smiles

Within 10 minutes we're going through boxes and photo albums. The memories were all flowing back and it was such a great feeling. I put a photo up facing Jonah, "Remember this day?" I ask

He nods his head, "That was a good day"

I look at him confused, "No it wasn't" I shake my head, "We were arguing the whole time on the way to the beach, dad forgot the picnic and mom well she just wanted us all to get along. But it worked out in the end because we all was just quiet and watched the sun set with our snacks from the store" I chuckle

We sort through a lot more boxes and we exchanged showing each other pictures old toys. We even found my doll that i would never leave alone, it was always at least 5 seconds away from me, all i could think about was how i wanted to give it to Lilia. She's always taken such good care of her toys and i know she will with my childhood doll.

We each had pile we wanted to take back to L.A including a few photo albums and some old toys. Jonah pulled up his Lego, "Boy am i going to have some fun with this tonight" He smiles

I look around, "Oh there is one last box in the corner" I say. I walk over to the left corner to find the box that i had seen, it was marked moms. I pulled up a china doll, "God, do you remember the first time i found this? She freaked out and thought i was going to break it" I smile at the memory

Jonah walks over and joins me, "That thing always creeped me out, she hated when i said that" We both laugh

We pull out more things from the book, i pull out a photo, "Look that's mom in the middle" I tell him

Jonah looks shocked, "She's so young, who are the people next to her?" He asks

"They must be her little family of friends, like we have now" I smile

"We are lucky"


We both stand i, Jonah heads for the steps to go back downstairs. Before putting the picture back in the box i notice a piece of paper a crumbled up at the bottom of the box, "Wait there is something else"

I look at the paper, adoption certificate? What? Was Jonah adopted! I quickly read through it before Jonah saw. It was me. Jonah wasn't adopted i was. I felt my whole world crash and fall down on me for the second time in the last 2 months. Everything i knew was built on lies, nothing was real.

I grabbed the papers storming off, "Whats wrong?" Jonah asked

I walked past him, i walked down the stairs to the first floor and headed for the kitchen, i heard Zach come in. I walked towards my dad. Tears streaming down my face, "My whole life has been a complete lie!" I shout

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now