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"I forgive you, you know" She tells me

"Seriously?" I ask

It's like every feeling i ever had towards her came rushing back, i never stopped loving her, i lies to her. I hurt her so bad that i hated myself and i felt like i didn't love her but honestly she's the only person i love.

"Neither of us were in the right head space" She answers

I look her in the eyes and smile, "Thank you"

She nods her head, "No problem"


After we had food we moved to sit at the bar, we done a few shots and i now have a beer and she has a vodka and coke.

After tonight i realise i just want her back, i need her back. I'm so stupid, how did i ever let her go?

"Sky?" I ask

She turns to me flashing a smile, "Yeah?" She answers

She puts her drink down and i put my beer down. I take her hand gently and i rush towards the elevator with her, "Come on" I tell her

"Where are we going?" She asks

I press the rooftop button, "You'll see" I smile

After a few moments of silence, the doors open. I walk out of the elevator and i open the doors to the rooftop and Sky walks out, i walk out after her.

"Wow, it's beautiful" She smiles admiring the view

"Almost as beautiful as you" I tell her

She turns around and looks at the floor, "Why did you bring me up here?" She asks getting suspicious

I take ahold of her hands, "I need to tell you something" I answer

She nods her head, "Okay"

"The last time we were on a rooftop together i told you i never loved you anymore-"

"Why are you telling me this, like i don't remember" She cuts me off

"Just listen. I lied to you, i do love you Sky, i always have and i always will. I hurt you physically and mentally and something switched in me, i had voices telling me you don't hurt someone you love and i hurt you. I convinced myself i didn't love you" I explain

She removes her hand from mine, "What are you getting at?" She asks

I cup her cheeks and look deep into her beautiful brown eyes, "I love you, i love you so much" I confess

She removes my hand and looks at the floor, "Zach, i love Kian" She signs

"But you love me more right?" I ask

She shakes her head, "That's the thing Zach, i don't love you anymore. I fell out of love with you" She explains, "I'm sorry"

"You what?" I ask

"I fell out of love with you" She replies

I fee my heart drop to my stomach, god i hate this feeling. This is how she felt when it was me
saying it to her, i wish i didn't do bad now.

I walk back inside, i get in the elevator and i click ground floor.

"Fuck" I yell as soon as the doors close

The doors soon opens and i walk out of the hotel, i go to the parking lot and i get in my car. I lean my head down on the wheel and i just scream.

"How did i let this happen?" I ask myself

I drive home, the whole ride home i couldn't stop thinking about how she didn't love me anymore.

I put the code in and the gates open, i drive into the garage and i close the gates. I head into the house.

"Zach? Is that you?" I hear Meredith ask

I run upstairs, i walk into my bedroom and i close the door behind me. I punch a hole through the wall and i let out a huge frustrated scream

Frustrated? More like sad

"Zach! What are you doing?" Meredith yells at me

I look at her, "We're done, get out of my house!" I yell at her

She walks closer to me, "Baby, calm down" She says while rubbing my arm

I move away from her, "No! We are done Meredith, i want you out" I tell he

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now