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I wake up wrapped in Zach's arms, last night was like a dream it was us again, no one else in the world mattered me and Zach were an us again and i think a massive part of me has always wanted that.

I lift my body up a little, sliding out of Zach's arms but not all the way. I reached for my phone and unlocked it to find 30 missed calls from Jonah, 7 from my dad and 9 from Daniel. Something had to be wrong, i had this horrible gut feeling that something was very wrong.

Before i could even react or call Jonah, he called me again. I picked up in a heartbeat, "Hello?" I answered

I could hear a lot of people in the background, "Where the hell have you been? You need to get home, somethings happened and i really don't have the heart to tell you over the phone" I could hear the lump in his throat

I sit up, i start to become anxious i feel my hands and my body getting sweaty and my stomach starts to turn, "Jonah, you need to tell me right now what the fuck is going on" I demand

I hear Zach shuffle around, i feel his arm snake around me almost trying to pull me closer but i didn't move.

"It's Mom, she's gone sky" i hear the tears break through his voice

My phone dropped and bounced of the mattress onto the floor, i could feel my whole body go into shock. You hear about people loosing their parents or you help your friends go through that point in there life, but you never really mentally prepare yourself for it. I definitely didn't.

I watched Zach get down in front of me on the floor, i saw that my phone disconnected from the call. Zach had never looked more worried, "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked concerned

Tears streamed down my face, i didn't even have the words to tell him, i struggled to even move never mind tell him the most devastating words i could ever bring myself to say.

He put his hands on my thighs, "Baby, it's me you can tell me anything"

I looked at him through my blurry eyes from the tears, "It's my M-Mom, sh-she's dead" I stutter

2 Days later

I was back in Minnesota, me and Jonah were. Zach went back to L.A with the kids to get more clothes for them and things we needed to stay home in Stillwater for a bit.

I had only got back home an hour ago, me and Jonah both sit with my dad. We were both waiting for one simple answer, how did she die. Our dad hadn't told us, we deserved to know.

I sit up, i turn to Jonah, "If you're not gunna ask then i will" I say

Jonah shakes his head, "Sky, don't!" He raises his voice

Tears start to form, but I'm angry. Why is it such a secret this is insane, "She was our mother we deserve to know how she died!" I shout

"Yes, but now is not the time Sky" Jonah says after we argue back on fourth

My dad stands up and huffs, "She had breast cancer!" He shouts

Tears rushed down my face, how did i not know? How did she not tell us? So many questions ran through my brain. I turned to Jonah i didn't have the words, he didn't seem shocked though.

My emotions changed from sad to anger very quickly, "You both knew, all three of you kept this from me?" I asked, Jonah nodded his head, "Why was i the only one left in the dark, she was my mother too!" I shouted

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now