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Third person
Nine months earlier:

Sky walked into the bedroom with something in her hands, she felt scared and anxious, she was feeling so many things in this moment.

She sat down next to Zach and buried what she had in her hand under her legs, he smiled at her and she smiles weakly back at him.

She worried that the progress they made in their relationship was all going to go down the drain if she told him what she so desperately wanted to tell him.

Zach could tell Sky was being off, she's been a little off the last few days and he definitely noticed it, he likes to give her space and not pester her into telling him.

"Something wrong baby?" Zach asked his girlfriend, she looked at him with worry in her eyes and he frowned noticing it.

"I just don't want anything to ruin how amazing we are right now, or how strong this family as become" She sighed, Zach wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him.

She made sure she kept the object hidden, she wasn't ready to tell him what she needed to tell him.

"Nothing will ever ruin us, everything happens for a reason" He tells her, she smiles agreeing with him.

Apart of her stopped feeling so scared, she became a little excited. Maybe this is what they needed she thought, maybe this was a blessing.

"Close your eyes" She asked him sitting up.

He did as he was told, he quickly sat up and closed his eyes.

"Put your hands out" She smiled, he did he put his hand out and she dropped the object onto his hands. "Open them"

He opened them and his eyes stared at what he was holding, he was silent. Sky became worried, did she make a mistake telling him? Maybe it wasn't the blessing she had hoped it was.

"You're p-pregnant?" Zach eventually choked the words out, he voice sounded dry, he turned to look at her and she nodded her head. "This is amazing" He smiled.

Tears slowly strolling down both of their faces, they both hugged each other tightly. They were both feeling happy, but they couldn't help but feel slightly guilty for their baby Toby, he was always and forever going to be in their hearts. He was always going to be their third child no matter what, Zach and Sky would always love him just as much as they loved Lilia, Wesley and their now unborn child.

Zach felt on top of the world, he has wanted this for so long. He believed he was never going to have the chance to have this again, nothing could bring him down right now.

"I don't want anyone knowing yet" She tells him.

"Our little secret" He smile widely at her, he puts his hand on her stomach which will soon grow bigger.

- Four Months Later -

Sky looks at the party that her brother and best friend Blair had thrown for her, she smiles knowing today will finally be the day she finds out the gender of her baby.

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now