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- Zach -

Me and Sky sit in front of our old therapist, who also specials in therapy for children. I hold Sky's hand, i know that whatever is going on we are going through this together.

"Now, it's no secret of the few violent fights that happened in your relationship in the past" She tells us, we both nod sadly. "It's possible that Wesley had seen them and neither of you noticed him there" She explains.

"So, what are you saying?" I asks, Sky hold my hand tighter.

"I'm going to be straightforward with you both, there is nothing wrong with him" She points to Wesley who is playing with a few barbie dolls. "I believe that he seen a few of these violent incidents that happened and he's maybe imitating them thinking that it's acceptable" She replies.

"Where do we go now? Like what do we do next?" Sky asks her.

"Punishment and discipline is the best way to get through this, he's a lovely boy he just doesn't understand" She answers Sky's question. "If that doesn't work come back and we can talk discuss where to go from there" She says and i nod my head.

"Thank you" I smile. I get up and pick Wesley up, i hold in my arms and look at him a little sadly.

I couldn't help but feel guilty for being the reason this has happened, i felt awful but i realised that I've changed and that isn't me anymore, i still felt guilty.

I put Wesley in his car seat and make sure his seatbelt is on properly. I get into the drivers seat as Sky sits in the passenger seat, i frown at her slightly as i put the key in the car.

"Don't feel sad, he's fine and we're going to get through this" She tells me putting her hand on my cheeks, i lean in kissing her.

"I just feel guilty knowing this has happened because of me" I sigh, i begin to drive to Jonah's new house.

"He's going to be fine, he's been so kind to her since that night where she ended up in hospital you can tell he still feels bad" She explains to me and i nod my head. "We will teach him" She tells me.

"I know" I mumble.

"How are you feeling about the album releasing in less than an hour?" She asks me, my palms get sweaty thinking about it.

I couldn't help but feel guilty, my heart hurt at the thought of it. I don't want to upset anybody, i just want to make people happy, but all good things must come to an end.

"Anxious" I admit.

"That's normal babe, just think about all your new adventures though" She says making me feel a little better.

Eventually we arrive at Jonah's and we go inside, i carry Wesley as he's fallen asleep, i lay him on Jonah's sofa and make sure he's safe, i kiss his forehead. I walk over to everyone else and smile weakly.

"We should probably tweet out the YouTube link for the premiere of the first video" Daniel says.

"This is crazy" Corbyn frowns, i pat his back trying to comfort him.

"We'll always be brothers" I tell him.

Jack tweets the link out first, and then the rest of us do too, Jonah tweets it out in the Why Don't We twitter account. We all go and sit on the couch, the boys sit on one couch all squished together and the girls are spread out.

"Guess this is it" Jack sighs.




Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now