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It's been a year, a long year. I've finally pulled myself together, i'm happy and i'm myself. I got over Zach and the divorce, maybe not fully but i'm nearly there.

I haven't seen Zach in a year, he has the kids every other week, so i drop them at Jonah's and Zach picks them up. Being around him just started to get to painful, and i couldn't do it anymore. Not seeing him has made things so much better, i feel happy and myself again, something i haven't felt in a long time

I've been seeing someone lately, his name is Kian. We met at an event, we really clicked and we've just been seeing each other a lot, the kids love him. Zach stopped seeing that Corinna girl, turns out he was just using her for a fuck

I walk out Lou's back garden and sit on the couch with Lou, and Gabbie, "Hey girls" I smile

"Hey" Gabbie says

Lou stares at her phone, "Lou?" I ask

She looks up at me, "Whats going on?" Gabbie asks

"Didn't you say your working with Meredith Mickelson?" She asks

I nod my head, "Yeah, why?" I ask

She shows me her phone, it's Zach and Meredith holding hands, "I don't even care" I lie

"He knew that you had to work with her, god he's a cunt" Lou says

I shake my head, "He didn't, no one knows except you two, the girls and Jonah" I tell her

"So how does Zach know?" Gabbie asks

"Me and Jonah were talking about it and Zach walked in and asked, we tried to cover it up but don't think it worked" She explains

"Clearly" Gabbie says

"Wow, that's not the man that i loved at all. What happened to him?" I ask

They both shake their heads, "He's just not the same person anymore, he's really changed" Lou answers

"Anyways, don't you have to go out with Meredith next week?" Gabbie asks

Lou looks at me confused, "What? Why?" She asks

"The photoshoot is as if we we're best friends, so they want us to build a friendship" I explain

My phone starts to ring, i look at caller id, "It's kian" I smile

"Put it on loud speaker" Gabbie says

I answer it and put it on loud speaker, "Hey"

"Hey gorgeous, are you busy right now?" He asks

"Nope, i'm free, why?" I ask

"I was wondering if you would like to go out to eat, me, you, Lilia and Wesley" He says

I smile, "They won't eat nothing from a fancy restaurant, their extremely fussy" I laugh

"As long as you and the kids are happy, i don't care where we eat" He says

I feel my heart flutter, "Awh!" Gabbie and Lou yell

I laugh, "Who is that?" Kian asks laughing as well

"It's Gabbie and Louise, you're on loud speaker" I laugh, "Sorry, i should of warmed you" I tell him

"It's fine. I'm not one of those guys that act different when their with people" He tells me

"Marry him!" Lou yells

"Oh, my god" I mumble

I take him off loud speaker, and walk into the house, "Will you pick me and the kids up from Lou's?" I ask

"Feeling lazy and took an uber did you?" He asks

I laugh, "You know me so well"

"Be there soon" He tells me

"Bye" I smile

I end the call, "Kian?" Jonah asks

"How did you know?" I smile

He laughs, "The smile" He says

"I'm going to go get the kids from room" I tell him

The door knocks and Jonah goes and gets it, i hear the door open. I head upstairs, i tell the kids we're going and they head downstairs

I still can't believe Lilia is six and Wesley is four, they've grown up so quick, i wish i could just slow it down.

I follow behind Lilia and Wesley, i enter the kitchen, "Go give auntie lou and Gabbie goodbye kisses" I tell the kids and they run for the back doors

"Who was at the door?" I ask

"Zach" He answered

I feel a pinch in my heart, "Oh okay" I play it off unbothered

I don't even know if it did bother me, i don't even know if i love him anymore. How could i love someone who constantly put me through so much pain?

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now