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I woke up with Skylar's head resting on me while she slept, i quickly went to check on the kids. They were both sat in Lilia's old bedroom watching kids Netflix with some sweets, guess she found them. I walked around the house remembering all of the memories, some of the best times of our lives were living Dallas, it truly did go down hill when we moved to Los Angeles. If i could go back in time, i would have never moved at all.

I looked at a wall full of pictures of our whole family including the group, Skylar sneaks up behind me and stands beside me, i put my arm around her, "Whatcha doing?" She asks

I point to the photos, "How come we never took these photos with us?" I answer her question with another question

She giggles, "You didn't want them to get ruined so you would let me pack them, you said they're to precious to be ruined by the move, you would not let me take them at all" She smiles

"Dallas really always treats us well" I smile

She taps my back, "Right well it's late, are you okay putting the kids to bed while i jump in the shower?" She asks

I nod my head and smile at her, "I got it"

She rubs my back, "Thank you" She smiles, after walking away a little bit she turns around and looks at me, "I'm really glad you're okay Zach. And don't worry i'll take the quest room" She tells me

I bite my lip a little hesitant asking what i'm about to ask, "Can you stay in our old room with me?" I ask

"Zach, i'm still with Kian" She frowns at me feeling sympathy for me again

I shake my head, "I'll sleep on the couch in our room, i just do not want to be alone tonight that's all" I explain to her

She nods her head leaving and going towards the bathroom that connects to our old bathroom. I put the kids to bed with their TV on still playing Netflix, but by the time i was done sorting everything they were both fast to sleep. I opened the door to mine and Sky's old room, it smelt like Sky's old Chanel perfume still. I searched through the draws trying to find clean boxers, which i succeed at. I quickly changed leaving me just in my calvins. 

Sky walked in with just the towel wrapped around her, "Sorry i forgot my pyjamas" She explains. Her phone rings and she looks at it, "It's Blair" She tells me

I nod my head

She answers it, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down" Sky says, she puts the phone on loud speaker probably so i knew Blair was shit talking me like she usually does.

Blair takes a deep breath, "Daniel just caught Kian with another girl at a club and the girl was dancing on Kian's lap and Kian was literally letting it happen and smiling. There's already videos everywhere of them kissing and literally being very sexual in public places" She explains

Skylar ends the call after hearing all of that, she begins to cry. I hug her comforting her. Her phone pings and we both look down to see a message from Kian.

Kian x
You clearly don't  want to marry me. We're both at different stages in our lives and not meant to be. I'll love you forever Skylar, but i'm sorry we're done. I know you're seeing stuff on social media and i bet Daniel has already told you, i'm sorry, in my mind we've been broken up for a while. I hope one day we can be friends, i wish you and you're family all the best.

"He proposed to you?" I blurt out

She scrolls up from messages from this afternoon, not long after she got here. I quickly read through the messages and the photo of his proposal really shocked me, she didn't deserve for this to happen to her, this was meant to be the fairy tale ending she deserved.

She sobs while leaning her head on my chest, "I'm sorry, you have you're own problems" She mumbles

I shake my head, "I'll always be there for you and take care of you, because i love you more than anything Sky" I kiss her forehead

She looks up at me, she kisses my lips. I had almost forgotten how soft her lips were and how her favourite lip balm she wears everywhere and everyday tasted like. She pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me, she removed the towel and she was completely naked, her beautiful tan and that perfect figure of hers, i wrapped my arms around her waist and she began to take off my boxers.

I moved her hair out of the way, "I haven't got anything" I whispered

"I don't care lets just do this" She smirked, i looked at her unsure., "Baby, come on"

I shook my head and i lifted her off of me, she wrapped a blanket around her, "I'm on the pill, it's okay Zach" She tells me

I smirk and i push her down and i climb on top of her.

Guess you could say the rest of that night is history...........

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now