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- Skylar -

"You're doing amazing Sky" The photographer tells me.

I hold my boobs in place for my naked shoot. For the first time in so long i was actually happy with my career, i had one now and i wasn't letting it go for anything.

Zach walked on set and someone handed me my robe, i quickly put it on and ran over to Zach. I feel like a teenager in love.

He kisses me on the cheek. "I was a few blocks away and pooped down here because you sent me the flight conformation for the flight home, but there was only one flight" He tells me with a confused look on his face.

"I'm not flying home tonight, I'm flying home tomorrow night" i explain.

He looks annoyed. "Are you serious?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and walk away from him. I take my robe off, i position myself where i am not flashing anything. "You look incredible" The photographer squeals snapping the shots.

I watch as Zach looks at me annoyed, i can feel his eyes burning into me but i also knows he's liking what he's seeing.

"And that's a wrap" The photographer yells.

Someone hands me the robe again and i wrap it around myself before walking to the dressing room, Zach follows behind me.

He closes the door. "Not interested in a lecture" I tell him.

He gently grabs the back of my neck and turns me around, my eyes meet his and he stares at me. He slowly begins to unwrap the robe from me, and when it drops to the floor the cold air hits me.

Zach's fingers trail over my body and my body begins to tingle, i shake my head at him and grab my robe. "You're not deflecting your anger into sex, that's how we ended up where we was last time" I say with a deep breath.

He sits on the couch while i change. "Fine, I'm angry that you're not going to be there for our first Mother's Day back as a family" He frowns at me.

"And i get that, but i need to do this for myself" I explain to him.

He shakes his head at me not agreeing with my decision. "It's just selfish" He spits.

How dare he call me selfish, i put my life on hold for the past seven years since Lilia was born, i never asked him to put a hold on his career even if he did miss birthdays, family vacations and Father's Day.

"Please think about the fact that your kids barely remembered who you were two years ago, they saw you a couple times a year" I yell at him. My blood boils looking at him right now. "You do not get to call me selfish" I add.

I grab my bag and i walk out of the room. "It was lovely seeing you again Chris" I hug the photographer goodbye.

He flashes me a toothy smile. "You're always my favourite to work with" He tells me.

I flick my air jokingly and he laughs. "I'll see you soon" I wave goodbye to him leaving.

I walk outside and see a few fans waiting for me. "Sky can i have a photo" Someone yells.

I've missed interacting with my fans so much.

"I have some time to take some photos" I smile.

I walk over to some fans, a girl hands me her phone and i take it. "Smile" I tell her and snap the photo.

"Zach" Fans yell as he walks out and gets straight in the uber.

I pass the girl the phone back. "He's just having a rough day" I lie defending him.

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now