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- Skylar -

My eyes opened and in walked Zach and the kids. They all jumped on the bed excited. "Happy birthday Mommy" The kids say in sync.

I giggle at them. "Thank you babies" I smile at them.

We sit there for a while, the kids give me their gifts and Zach gives me his. I opened them all and i felt so grateful for the life that i have. I have amazing kids, a great boyfriend and incredible friends. The only thing missing is Jonah, i miss him.

We walk downstairs and sit at the table. "I don't know what to have" I giggle looking down at the options to have for breakfast.

"I'm having pancakes mommy" Wesley smiles at me.

"Me too" Lilia says.

I decide to go with a mushroom omelette. "Did you make this?" I ask Zach.

He nods his head at me. "It's really good" I look at him surprised. I continue to eat the food.

I hear the front door close. "We're here" I hear Daniel and Blair yell in sync.

I stand up and walk to where they are. "Hey mama" I hug Blair.

"I smell food" Daniel wonders off into the kitchen.

Me and Blair both laugh at him. "Where is Mads?" I ask curiously referring to her daughter.

We both walk upstairs. "Dan's moms in town and she's spending the day with her" She answers my question.

Blair sits on my bed and i walk into my closet. "It's so crazy that this is what our lives are now, i feel like a few years ago we were just in high school complaining that our boyfriends were always touring" I giggle at the thought.

"It's insane" She raises her voice a little so i can hear her more.

She walks into the closet eventually and i pull out a pair of mom jeans and a causal top to go with the jeans. "You seem a little off today" I tell her.

I begin to undress, me and Blair have been friends for so long that it doesn't faze neither of us anymore. I spot a white causal dress on the corner of my eye and decide to go for that.

"Sky, i have something to tell you" She mumbles.

I button up my dress and then sit next to her. "What's wrong?" I ask her worried.

She takes a few deep breaths. "I'm pregnant, but Dan doesn't know" She confesses.

My mouth opens in shock. "I thought you couldn't have anymore?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "So did we, that's why we stopped using protection" She admits to me.

I throw my arms around her. "This is so bloody amazing" I squeal in excitement.

"I don't know if I'm going to keep it" The words fall out of her mouth.

I keep my arms around her, so she knows i support her no matter what. Eventually i pull away. "I'll support through everything and anything, but you need to talk to Dan about this sooner the better" I explain to her.

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now