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I sit on the couch with Joey in my closet, "I can't do it" I tell him

I'm dressed in a denim shirt dress, it's unbuttoned so you can see a bit of my cleavage. I paired the dress with my white heel boots. I leave my hair straightened and down. I'm dressed for my dinner with Meredith, which i'm freaking out about

"Sky, you can't drop out now" He tells me

I shake my head, "How am i meant to look her in the eyes knowing she's fucking Zach?" I ask

"You've never been a quitter, and you're not going to be one now. You can do this" He tells me

"How are we meant to look like real friends when she's with my ex?" I ask

He shakes his head, "I don't even know Sky" He tells me

I roll my eyes, i grab my phone, "I'm going downstairs, you coming?" I ask

He stands up, "Yeah" He smiles

We walk downstairs and the kids are sat on the couch with Daniel and Corbyn, "You got this yeah?" I ask

"Yeah, but i thought it was Zach's week" Corbyn says

I shrug my shoulders, "He was meant to have them today until Monday next week, but he said he's to busy tonight" I explain

"I spoke to him this morning, he told me he has meeting at 5 and then he's free" Daniel tells me

"So, what's he doing tonight?" Joey asks

I shrug my shoulders again, "I don't care"

"Right, well we got to go" Joey tells me

I nod my head, "You guys going to be okay?" I ask

"I have a child" Daniel tells me

"I have two child's" Corbyn says

Daniel shakes his head, "Children" He corrects

I laugh, "Thanks boys" I smile

I give Lilia and Wesley goodbye kisses, they can't even keep their eyes from the tv. I thank the boys once again. I walk out of the house and close the door behind me

"I'll call you later okay" I tell Joey

He nods his head, he gets into his car and i get into mine, we both go our separate ways. The nerves kick in again, i decide to call Blair

She answers on the third ring, "Yo, yo, yo" She yells

I laugh, "Dude, i'm freaking out" I tell her

"Skylar Marais, i'm about to tell you something that better stick into your beautiful brain" She tells me

"Yes mom" I say

"You don't need to be nervous, i know why you're nervous, it's because it's Zach's new girl and now matter how much you deny it you're always going to love Zach in a way. I'm not just saying this as your bestfriend, but you're so beautiful Sky, i wish you could see what i see. So, you're going to go to that dinner, and you're going to slay it, and if Meredith says any bad shit to you, i swear to god you better slap her around the head" She tells me

I have tears in my eyes, "What did i do to deserve you?" I ask

"Are you crying?" She asks

I wipe my eyes quickly, "No, you are" I sob

"No, stop!" She yells, "Great now i'm crying" She laughs

"I love you Blair" I tell her

"I love you too, now get to that dinner" She tells me

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now