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I walk into the kitchen at Jonah's house, i stop in my tracks once i see Sky walking upstairs. Her long brown hair catches my attention, it's the first time i've seen her in over a year

She carries on walking and soon she's out of view, i feel my heart ache, i miss her. I'm not over Sky, i don't think it's possible to be over someone you love so much, i fucked things up, she really ain't running back into my arms this time

I grab my phone from the kitchen table, i don't even say bye i just walk out of the house. I get into my car, i remember the last time i saw Sky

• • •

"What do you mean i have to pick my kids up from here now?" I ask Jonah

"Sky doesn't want to see you anymore, obviously you both agreed you'd have Wesley and Lilia every other week so you'll be picking them up here and dropping them off here" He explains to me

"No way" I tell him

I take my car keys from the coffee table, leave the house and get into my car. I drive to Sky's, once i get there, i park in the drive way and get out of my car

I knock the door, and she opens it, i walk inside, "Come in" She says sarcastically

"Tell me this is a joke" I beg

She shakes her head, "It's not" She says

I sign, "A bit pathetic, don't you think?" I ask

She laughs, "Pathetic? Zach, i can't see you anymore, you've broke me and i need to move on because i can't keep on with this" She yells at me

"And you think it's easy for me?" I ask

She shakes her head, "I didn't say it was easy for you Zach, but i'm doing something to make it easier for me" She tells me

"I thought maybe we could be friends" I say

She scoffs, "Friends? Zach, you've completely broke me, i can't see you anymore" She yells

I look around, it's only the i realise that things are in boxes, "You're moving?" I ask

She nods her head, "I need a fresh start" She says

"You're moving out of LA?" I ask

She shakes her head, "I'd love to, but i wouldn't never take your kids away from you Zach" She tells me

"So, why are you moving?" I ask

"There's to many bad memories here, you cheated on me in this house, you physically hurt me in this house, all the arguments and Toby's room is right next to mine. I can't even sleep at night anymore" She explains

"I've really broke you, haven't i?" I ask

She nods her head, "Just stick to what i asked and i can move on, please Zach, i need to" She begs

I nod my head

I leave the house full of bad and good memories, mostly bad

I never stepped foot in that house, ever again

• • •

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now