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"I still can't believe Jonah punched Zach" Brandon says

"I was so shocked when i saw that" Blair replies

I sign, "Can we talk about something else?" I ask

"Sorry" Brandon apologies

I smile at him. Me, Blair and Brandon are at lunch together, all they seem to talk about was everything that happened at the one day of Coachella.

"How are you and Kian?" Blair asks

I play around with my salad with my fork, "We haven't spoken since Coachella" I tell her

"You know, i don't like this Kian boy" Brandon blurts out

I look at him confused, "Why? Because he beat your best friend up" I ask

He nods his head, "I watched the fight, he did not beat Zach up. I'd say it was tie" He replies

I roll my eyes, "I'm going to go" I tell them

"I'll come with" Blair says

I shake my head, "It's fine, i'd rather be alone" I tell her

She nods her head, "Bye guys"

"I'll see you soon" Brandon says

"See you later" Blair smiles

I take my bag and i leave the restaurant. I walk outside and i walk into someone, "I'm so sorry, i'm all over the plac-"

"Sky" Kian cuts me off

"Kian" I smile

"We need to talk" He tells me

I nod my head, "I know" I reply

I play with my fingers feeling a little nervous, that sentence is never a good one to hear.

"Your place tonight?" He asks

I nod my head, "Sure"

He walks away, i watch him as he walks, he doesn't turn around. I have a horrible feeling about tonight, this doesn't feel right, i haven't felt this wrong in a long time.


The doorbell goes, "Everything is going to be fine" I tell myself

I walk towards the door and open it, revealing Kian, "Hey" I smile. I open the door wider for him to walk in

He steps inside, he gives me a hug, "How are you?" I ask

I feel him nod his head, "I'm okay, you?" He asks

I nod my head, i don't say anything though. We walk into the living room and both sit down on the couch. It feels awkward, and not a good kind of awkward.

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Meredith? I wouldn't have been mad" I ask

"But you are now" He replies

"I'm not mad at you because you and Meredith were a thing, i'm mad at you because you never told me. I've always been honest with you" I explain

He rubs his head, "I was worried" He mumbles, "I was worried that it would end things for us" He tells me

He looks to the floor, "I would never end things with you for a stupid reason like that" I tell him

He looks me in the eyes. "Have you really fallen out of love with Zach?" He blurts out

I nod my head, "I have"

That's the first time i haven't even had to think about it, i really am over him. I don't love him anymore, wow. I don't love him anymore.

He turns, so he's facing me instead of the tv. I do the same, he takes my hands in his, my heart flutters

"When i first met you Sky, i just thought you were one of them bitchy celebrities that had it all without moving a finger" He tells me

I look at him confused, "Why are you telling me
this?" I ask

"Because you proved me wrong without even knowing. I got to know you and along with that i met the best two kids i've ever known. Now, i want to prove to you that the side you saw of me at Coachella wasn't me, because i know deep, deep inside your heart you know it" He explains

I shake my head, "You don't have to prove that to me, i know that wasn't you Kian. I guess i'm just so use to defending Zach that i did it with you" I tell him

He nods his head, "No, i get it. I let the one thing come between us that should never have, Zach" He tells me

"I can't be with someone who's going to be constantly fighting with my kids father. Imagine in the future the kids happened to come across of a video of you hurting their father" I explain

"I know, trust me if i could take it back i would" He tells me

"I know, just promise me it won't ever happen again?" I ask

"It won't" He reassures me

"Good, because i'd hate to lose you" I tell him

He kisses my forehead, "I love you"

"I love you too"

Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now