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It's Coachella weekend, it's the first time i get to go since i had Lilia. I'm going with Louise, Jonah, Jack, Gabbie, Kian and Jc. I'm actually so excited. I heard Zach and Meredith are both going, Myta and Joshua are in town so their having the kids for the weekend

Me, Louise and Gabbie are at our Coachella house. We're all getting ready together

Louise starts to do my makeup, "Is that a hickey?" She screams

I jump, "Where?"

I look in the mirror, how did i not see that? This is one of my worst nightmares as a model

"How am i going to cover that?" I ask

"Who gives a crap? You're a grown ass women, you don't have to be scared for anyone to see it" Gabbie tells me

"She's right" Louise tells me

I nod my head, "Exactly, i'm in a new relationship and i'll do what i want" I smile

"I just got to know, have you and kian had sex?" Gabbie asks

"I was wondering the same thing" Louise laughs

I laugh, "First time Wednesday, my first time since you know" I tell them

"Was he good?" Gabbie asks

I smirk, "I'm not going to lie, he was" I laugh

"I can't believe you told us, i was expecting you to say i'm not telling you" Louise laughs

"I'm just being honest" I laugh


We push past people to get some drinks, "You're an idiot by the way" I tell kian

"What did i do?" He asks

I show him my neck, "You gave me a hickey" I tell him

He puts his arm around me laughing, "Baby, i'm sorry"

"There's Zach and Meredith" Jack shouts

Jack and Jonah power walk towards him, the girls stick with me and Jc stays by Kian

"It's okay girls, you can talk to him" I laugh

They nod their heads and walk over to them, "Do you want to go over there?" Jc asks

I look at Kian, "If it's cool with you?" I ask Kian

He nods his head, "Sure"

We walk over there, "Kian, it's so good to see you" She smiles

She goes in for a hug, Kian removes his arm from me and hugs her, "Nice to see you too"

They pull away, "You both know each other?" I ask

"We dated" Meredith smiles


"Oh" I mumble

Zach turns around, "You dated who?" He asks

"Meredith and Kian dated" Louise says

"What?" Jack and Jonah yell in sync

I look at Zach, i walk towards him and give him a hug, "How are you?" I ask

We pull away, "I'm good now, thank you" He smiles

Gosh, i miss that smile

Zach looks at me again, he stares at my neck, "Is that a hickey?" He asks

I look at the floor, "Yes"

"You hate hickeys" He mutters

I shrug my shoulders, "It just happened"

He walks closer to me, i feel my heart beat faster and faster

"Sky, if he's abusing you or forcing you to do things please tell me" He whispers in my ear

I push him away, "What? Oh my god, no" I shout

"What did he say?" Kian asks

"It's nothing" I tell him

"What just happened?" Gabbie asks

"Just about to ask the same thing" Jack says

Zach walks closer to Kian, "I asked if you're abusing her Sky?" Zach asks him

"I'm so lost" Jonah says

Kian looks at Zach weird, "Look man, i don't know what you think i do to her, but all i've ever done is help and treat Sky like she should be treated" Kian explains, "Unlike you" I scoff

Zach punches Kian in the face, i feel my heart drop to my stomach, "Zach!" Meredith yells

Kian hits back and before i know it, there's a big fight. Everyone is staring and watching

"Kian, get off him!" Jc yells

"Stop it" I yell at them both

Jc gets Kian off of Zach, "What the fuck are you both doing?" I scoff

"How dare you accuse me of abusing her!" Kian screams, "It was fucking you who abused her!"

"Kian!" I yell

"You what?" Jonah asks

I shake my head, "Nothing" I tell him

Jonah walks over to Zach, he grips him by the neck, "What the fuck did you do to my sister" He asks

"Man, it was a one time thing. Trust me i hate myself for it!" Zach defends herself

"Get off of him" Meredith yells

"Jonah, come on i know he's done wrong but this is not going to look good for the band" Jack tells him

"Jonah, listen to him" I say

Jonah punches him in the face, i feel my heart ache. Jonah walks away, Jack, Louise and Gabbie both follow him and check if he's okay.

It's me, Meredith, Kian, Zach and Jc all stood in silence. Security guards come and escort us out

I power walk away from them, i walk towards the exit, "Sky" Zach says

"Don't talk to me" I tell him

"Sky, wait up" Kian yells


Emotions | Book 3 to 'Lil Marais'Where stories live. Discover now