"How could you be so stupid?" My mum ranted.
"What she means to say is, what are you thinking?" My aunt spoke up.
"Yeah, yeah I know I screwed up."
"No Maddy, right now, how are you feeling?" Rachel said.
"Oh," I said. "Well there's no way around it, I'm not giving it up if that's what you're asking."
"Good." Rachel said, sitting besides me.
"Did you not use protection?" My mum snapped, sipping her white wine.
"Oh mum you're hardly one to talk you were younger than me when you got pregnant!" I accused. "At least I'll stick around for my child."
"I didn't want you to make the same mistake I did." She sighed.
"Well it's too late for that, I'm so sorry I ruined your life!" I yelled.
"Maddy, she didn't mean it like that."
"Then how did she mean it?" I questioned.
My phone lit up from beside me, vibrating and singing as Ian's name lit it up. "Hello?"
"Family meeting up at ours, who are you with?"
"Mum and Rachel." I answered.
"You know the drill." He said.
"May I ask what this is about?"
"You know." He said before hanging up.
"Family meeting up at Ian and Gales." I sighed, standing up.
"I'll drive." Rachel said, grabbing her keys off the side as the three of us walked out the back door and to her car.
Like I said, my grandparents held the family together so whenever anything happened that risked tearing us apart or something that concerned all of us, they called a family meeting in order to get us all together so we can talk it out.
About ten minutes later we pulled up outside their old house on the outskirts of town. They'd lived there their whole married life as they preferred a quiet life but our family dramas kept them busy, at least one of us was always down there.
My mum technically wasn't a Kingsley but her being my mum and my dads ex fiancé bought her into the unfortunate club.
I pushed open the rusty old door and walked into the living room where my grandparents, Josh, his girlfriend Nina, Dad and other cousin Mason sat.
Rachel walked over to her sons, Josh and Mason but me and mum lingered in the doorway.
"Come on in, sit down." Ian said.
"Depends if he's going to bite my head off." I said, crossing my arms and looking at my dad.
"Of course not." Gale said.
"I want to hear it from him."
"Sit down Maddy." My Dad ordered in an authoritative and booming voice.
I glared at him.
"Don't fight me on this." He threatened, standing up.
"Please, no more violence." Ian said, walking over to me. "Come on now love, we're all here for you."
Reluctantly, I sat down, my mum leant against the back of the arm chair I had parked my butt in. "So let's hear it." My Dad shrugged.
"Hear what? I'm pregnant, you all know that." I said.
"How far along?" Gale asked.
"About two and a half weeks." I replied.
"Who's the Dad?" Josh asked.
"Like I'd tell any of you." I said. "I'll tell you after I tell him."
"Wait, you mean he doesn't know?" Rachel asked.
"Babes you've got to tell him." My mum said.
"And I will, I just figured I'd tell you lot first." I stated.
"Well I'm coming with you when you tell him." My Dad said.
"No you're not." I glared.
"Babes, it's best he does. Some guys just don't want to hear it." My Mum said.
"You'll just beat the shit out of him without giving me a word in edgeways!" I exclaimed.
"I'll behave okay?" He questioned. "I'll be your silent accomplice."
"That waits in the car?"
"Don't push it." He growled.
"I think you had something else you wanted to say." Gale prodded my dad.
"No," He replied. "I don't."
"Oh yes you do." Ian said.
My dad let out a dramatic and heavy sigh before scooting to the edge of the couch and leaning closer to me, taking my hand. "Yesterday, all those names I called you, and stuff... well, I..."
"Is it really that hard for you to apologise?" My mum questioned with a sigh.
"You should know." He said, glaring up at her. "Maddy, I'm sorry."
I nodded with a smile. I wanted to push him to apologise to Will but I was lucky to even get an apology from him myself.
"I'm going to be an uncle." Mason smirked. "Cool, hope it's a boy, no offence."
Adam began chuckling to himself. "Grandad Tom."
"Even as a Grandad, I could kill you with one hand and not bat an eye." He said, settling back into the couch.
"I have to go, I left Carlton in charge and that never ends well." My mum quickly said before leaving.
I got up quickly, following her out.
She pulled her door open but I pushed it shut again. "You're beautiful." I told her. "Even as a Grandma which I know you're stressing about."
"I'm not stressed babe, I'm too hot to be a Grandma." She said.
I smiled at her, stepping aside. She got in the car and drove off.
"Come on then." My dad chirped, stepping out of the front door.
"What?" I asked.
"Let's go ruin this guys life." He scoffed, opening his car.
"Fine, I drive." I said, holding out my hand for the keys which he hesitantly tossed my way.

The Brothers Down The Street
RomanceAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...