I staggered through the door, carelessly throwing it shut behind me as I drunkly made my way to the living room. I flicked on the lights, instantly startled by the man on my couch.
"You scared me." I gasped, letting out a sigh of relief, seeing my dad dressing in a casual black outfit that made him easily mistakable.
"And you think I was relaxed when you go missing for eight hours?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at as I stood in the doorway.
"I didn't disappear," I said, tossing my keys on to the coffee table. "I was out."
"A party." I replied. "Come on Dad, it's a a few years late to play the caring parent roll."
"Maddy, you know I care about you."
"Aww, did you call the police and all?" I questioned in a sarcastic tone.
"You know I'd never go to those pigs." He said with a scoff as he pushed himself off the couch. He walked into the kitchen area of the open plan ground floor and flicked on the kettle.
"What are you even doing here anyway?" I asked, leaning again the back of the couch.
"You were meant to meet me at the pub, six o'clock, ringing any bells?" He questioned.
"Mum owns the pub, we can go anytime we want." I told him.
"Don't think she'd be pleased to see me." He replied with a grin. "Anyways, I came to look for you, let myself in and well, here we are."
"Great story, it's made me sleepy." I groaned, standing up straight. "Lock the door on your way out, will you?"
"I'm making you coffee." He said.
"No you're making my eyes shut." I replied, plodding up the stairs to bed. "Lock the door on your way out."
* * *
Rolling over, I awoke to the sun creeping on to my face from the drapes I had failed to close the previous night. It was so bright, it felt as though I was a centimetre away from the beaming ball of light.
I groaned, dragging my body out of bed before angrily pulling them shut and dropping back on to my once warm bed, attempting to find the comfortable position I was once in, which deep down I knew I would never find again.
Suddenly, an earth shattering feeling forced my eyes open. My stomach bubbled and the substance was shooting up my body. Slamming a hand over my mouth, I sprinted towards the bathroom, flipping the toilet seat lid up and spewing like a volcano.
With my left hand I held my own hair back and my other gripped the toilet bowl as my guts gushed out of me.
After about fifteen minutes I was sure that I was done so I flushed the chain and arose to my feet before preparing for the day.
* * *
"Morning." Lola sang, opening my door.
"Please, let yourself in." I chuckled from the couch. "I'm surprised you're even moving after the amount you drank."
"And I'm surprised you're here after you left with Mr Rich last night." She smirked, sitting on the arm of the sofa. "So tell me was it good?"
"A lady never tells." I replied, getting up and scrubbing my coffee stained mug with a soapy sponge. "But I am no lady."
"Great, you can tell me all about it over a coffee at the cafe." She grinned.

The Brothers Down The Street
RomanceAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...