The next day I kept myself busy. I had a schedule set: work until I dropped.
"You look busy." Ross stated as I scurried around the office.
"I am." I said. "So stay out there and do your job."
"What's wrong with you?"
"I couldn't give Will a reason last night, I don't want him to see anything and think it's because of you." I explained.
"But it is."
"Ross just do what you're paid for." I said.
"You gave me a nasty gash oh my arm love." Jace said, strolling up the driveway.
"Shouldn't of broken into my house then." I retorted with a scowl.
"I think me and you should go for a little drive." He said.
"I'm not scared of you." I stated, stepping towards him.
"Yes she is, she acts hard but it's all a cover. I'm the one you want, not her so it looks like it'll be me and you on that little drive, ay?" Ross questioned.
Jace tore his eyes from Ross's, his eyes fixated on me in a harsh glare.
Ross stormed past him, shoving his shoulder. "So are we going or not?" Ross yelled. I could see he was trying to anger him by being obnoxious to draw attention away from me.
"Ross don't be stupid!" I called.
"It's what I do best, well other than charm but I've got a feeling that won't work this time." He said with a laugh. "Come on then Jacey boy, if you're man enough."
Jace stormed out of the garage after Ross. The two got in the car together and it sped off down the street, I had no idea where it was going.
I paced around the garage anxiously for almost half an hour and when Ross didn't come back I began to get worried.
"What are you doing?" Dad asked, walking up the driveway in his overalls.
"Where have you been?" I asked.
"Call out." He replied. "Problem?"
"I need you to cover for me.. and Ross." I said, walking past him but he stepped in my way.
"Whats that prick done now?"
"I think he's gotten himself into something he can't handle." I replied.
"What else is new?"
"I'm serous Dad, he's with that guy who broke into my house. He's not safe."
"Call it karma." Dad said.
"I love him, I'm not going to stand by and let him get killed for me." I snapped, stepping past him and running back to my car.
On the way I slowed down, seeing Will cross the street. "Morning." He said as he passed me.
"Will I'm sorry about last night." I said. "I'm in a hurry but I'd like to talk to you later."
He looked me up and down. "I'll meet you at the pub at six." He said. "When I finish work."
"Thank you."
I called Ross as I climbed into my car and he answered. "Ross, where are you?"
"Relax, I'm handling it. We won't have to worry anymore." He said.
"Where are you?" I repeated, shoving my keys in the ignition.
"Not important." He said.
I heard a bunch of yelling and a few cars starting up, I knew exactly where he was. "Ross." I warned.
"I'm fixing it the way it all started, that's all you need to know." He said before hanging up.
"Babe you're meant to be taking it easy, you look more stressed than ever." Mum said, opening my door.
"I'll talk to you later." I said, pulling the door shut and speeding off. I barely even heard what she said, all that mattered was getting to Ross.
Five minutes later I arrived on the outskirts of town to see a crowd of people and a couple of cars, sports cars.
My eyes landed on Jace as I stepped out of my car. "Where is he?" I spat.
"Making me my money back." He said.
"Mads? Maddy what the hell are you doing here?" Ross snapped, turning me around to face him.
"Could ask you the same thing." I replied.
"I told you, fixing the mess I made."
"Ross you're up." Jace said.
"You're racing?" I questioned.
He tightened a glove around his hand before walking over to the car and climbing in. He inched it forward to the start line and the other car approached too.
"What are you doing?" Jace yelled as I marched over to the cars.
I opened the front passenger seat, climbing inside of Ross's car. "What are you doing?" He snapped, looking over at me with worry in his eyes.
"If you're doing this, I'm doing this."
"It's dangerous!" He exclaimed. "Get out."
"I'm not going anywhere without you."
"You're just being stubborn, you've got a kid to care for, get out."
"And you've got me and Lilli to care for." I said.
"Mads, I love you but-"
"Ride or die, right?" I questioned.
"Ready?" Someone yelled from outside the car.
"Yes!" I called back. "Just don't kill us, okay?"

The Brothers Down The Street
Storie d'amoreAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...