Maddy's POV:
I slammed my fist against the door repeatedly until it finally opened. "You trying to bring the whole house down?" Ross asked in a sharp tone.
"Will here?" I questioned, walking past him and entering the house uninvited.
"Come on in why don't you." He scoffed, shutting the door and following me into the living room. "And no lover boy is out."
"So are you alone?"
"No, my side bird is hiding under the couch." He said in a sarcastic tone.
"Knowing you, that wouldn't shock me." I stated, glaring at him.
"So is there a point to you being here or are you just making home visits?" He asked.
"I'm here about last night." I said.
"I thought we agreed to forget it?"
"Well I can't Ross, knowing I'm putting you through so much pain-"
"I got food!" Will called, the door slamming behind him as he walked inside.
I instantly stepped back from Ross, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.
"Maddy, what are you doing here?" He asked, setting the take out on the table.
"Here to see you, of course." I smiled.
"Oh no she's not." Ross grinned.
"Ross." I scolded.
"She's here because I made a move on her last night." He smirked.
"What?" Will snapped, stepping around the counter and treading closer to Ross. His eyes fixed on mine. "Is this true?"
My eyes tore from his, I didn't want to lie to him, not again but I knew this would tear them apart.
Will leapt forward, grabbing Ross by the ruffs of his shirt. Ross allowed him to, not even fighting as a smirk spread across his lips.
"Will!" I exclaimed, latching my hands around his arm. "He was drunk, he didn't know what he was saying."
"Oh I knew what I was saying alright." Ross smirked. "And she came around here to talk about it, feel the same Maddy?"
"Of course not." I spat.
We all stood in the heat of the moment, glaring at one another. "I have every right to beat the shit out of you." Will snapped.
"Try it." Ross smirked.
Will threw Ross at the wall before throwing a fist into his gut which Ross almost instantly recovered from, striking an arm out which I quickly left in front of. I squinted my eyes shut, waiting for the impact of his harsh throw but it never came.
Ross's fist stopped right in front of my face, I let out a sigh of relief and my eyes trailed up his arm to his face which looked just as relieved as mine. "Well that was stupid." He said with dark eyes, dropping his fist.
"If you two started fighting I knew I wouldn't be able to stop you." I said.
"Shouldn't of stopped him." Will said.
"I don't want you to fight."
"I'm not just going to let him get away with what he did." Will snapped. "Making a move on my girl?"
"He didn't make a move! Not really. He was angry." I said.
"We were both mad, it was hot." Ross winked.
I felt Will tense behind me, I glanced down to see his fists tensed and up again to see his jaw clenched.
"Ross!" I scolded. "You are not helping! Please just go."
"This is my house." He scoffed.
"Then we'll go." I said, grabbing Will's arms. "Will, come back to mine, I'll tell you everything. It's not as bad as it sounds."
"You better be here when I get back." Will hissed at Ross as I led him out of the house.
"You can count on it."
* * *
"Please start talking, my mind is going wild." Will said as I pulled on to the couch.
"I came home last night and Ross was inside my house, he was drunk and anger, kept telling me I'd stole from him; that I'd stole his heart and he was yelling at me to give it him back."
"You should of just called me." Will said.
"I couldn't, he wasn't just mad but he was so upset, he told me it hurt him." I sighed, placing a hand over my face. "That I hurt him."
"None of this is your fault." He said, shuffling closer to my and placing a hand on my leg. "Ross is reckless and stupid, especially when he's drunk."
"I told him to go but he was so mad, he said he wouldn't unless I gave him his heart back." I explained. "I tried to leave but he wouldn't let me."
"What are you holding back?" He asked. "I can tell."
"I sort of fell."
"He pushed you?!"
"He didn't mean to." I defended. "It was an accident and afterwards he was so sorry it snapped him out of his drunken state."
"I should kill him!" Will yelled, pushing off the couch and storming towards the door.
"Will no!" I ordered, rushing to it and standing in front of it to prevent his access. "He left soon after and I'm fine."
"That's not the point."
"You're right, the point is he was drunk and he regretted it after." I argued. "He probably didn't even mean it."
"That's the thing Maddy, he did." Will sighed, calming down and walking back into the living room. "I've seen the way he looks at you, everyone has, you're the only one who doesn't see it."
"No, Maddy, you need to hear this. I want you to be with me as your first choice, not because you were in the dark about Ross's feelings." He explained. "He cares about you in ways I've never seen him care for anyone before. He's selfish and a brat, he's never been with a girl longer than a week but I can see he wants to change all that with you."
"You do realise you're kind of shooting yourself in the foot here?" I questioned with a laugh, sitting beside hi.
"I know but I think he loves you."
"Well that's just too bad." I said, a smile playing on my lips. "Because I love you Will and no one will change my mind about that."
"You've been so good to me Will, you're kind, sweet, you take care of me." I said, pecking his lips between words. "Not to mention so sexy."
"You're perfect." He said.
"Accept for the fact I'm having someone else's baby." I laughed.
"Meh." He shrugged. "So what about Ross?"
"I love him, as a friend." I stated. "I care about him so much but he's not the man I want to be with or the one I want to grown old with, you are."
A smile stretched his lips out, not a devilish smirk like his brothers, a warm smile that made me happy.
"You really are something." Will said. His lips connected with mine, sending sparks flying. He pulled me into his lap without breaking our kiss however pulling his shirt off his body caused the connection to break for half a second.
A loud thudding sounded from my door and refused to stop. "They'll get tired." Will said, pulling me closer into him if possible.
We left it another twenty seconds, it didn't stop. I groaned getting up before storming to the door and tearing it open to see Liam staring back at me.

The Brothers Down The Street
RomanceAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...