Chapter 23

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"See what you've done?" I yelled at my dad.

"I did it for you Maddy." My Dad stated.

"And look what happened, from now on you do nothing about this without my say so." I ordered.

"Maddy-" He argued.

"It's my pregnancy and I'll do with it what I want." I said. "Promise me."

"Okay, okay, I promise." He said.

"Now if you boys'll excuse me I have a scan to get to." I said, grabbing my jacket off the back of the sofa.

"I'll drive you." Will said.

* * *

"Would you like to know the gender?" The nurse asked.

I looked back to Will for support, he smiled at me and I turned back to her before nodding.

"You're having a girl." She said.

A large smile spread across my face as tears puddled in my eyes, this all became so real so quickly. I had a little girl inside of me.

* * *

"Thank you for coming today." I said to Will as we walked hand in hand down to the pub.

"My pleasure." He replied, holding the door open for me.

We walked inside and my mum eyes instantly met mine. "Your dad caught me up." She said. "And don't worry babe, we'll fix it."

"Mum you don't have to, I'll come home during the day and worse case scenario I sleep there for a few months."

"How can you see the good side to this?" She asked, pouring me an orange juice and Will a pint.

"Because we found out I'm having a girl today." I smiled, cuddling Will's arm.

"Oh babe, that's great." She smiled, cupping her mouth with her hands.

"What is?" Rachel asked.

"It's a girl." I grinned.

Rachel's smile grew wider than I thought possible, she'd had two boys in her life and prayed for a girl each time. Of course Adam and Mason didn't know that.

"Aww, I'm so happy." She beamed. "Are you?"

I nodded. "I didn't want to say anything just in case but now I know."

"Guys it's a girl!" Rachel called over to our family which were sat at the back of the pub, I hadn't even noticed them when I came in.

They all grinned like the Cheshire Cat and got up to congratulate us, well mostly me but Will had been so good it almost felt as if he was a major part of this.

Ross got up from his table for one and stormed out of the pub, the door slamming against the wall on the other side.

"I'll go see him." Will said, standing up.

"Wait, Will." I called, leading him away from my overwhelming family. "You've been great today, thank you."

"I love you Maddy, so much."

"I love you too."

Will's POV:

"What was all that about?" I asked, shutting the door behind me. I walked in to see Ross sprawled out over the couch with the TV on.

"What about?" He asked.

"Storming out of the pub."

"Well considering I'd rather cut my ears off than hear everyone go on about that baby, I figured I may as well go home."

"It's important to Maddy so it should be important to you."

"Oh no Will, that's your job, you've got the boyfriend role remember?" He questioned.

"So that's what this is about?" I asked with a sigh, pulling out a bar stool and sitting on it.

He didn't reply for a while, just stared blankly at the TV. "She knows how I feel and she still chooses you."

"Not every girl is going to like you Ross." I scoffed.

"I don't care about every girl, I care about Maddy." He snapped. "Well not anymore."

"She was crying today when she found out about the baby, she needs us to support her not isolate her-"

"Shut up!" He snapped, sitting up.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?"

"I couldn't give a crap about the truth." He snapped. "I just don't want to hear about Maddy being upset, alright?"

Only then did it occur to me how much he loved her. I feared just for a moment that he'd never get over her.

"You love her?" I asked.

"How could I not?" He questioned. "You?"

"How could I not." I sighed. "Now what?"

"We carry on as normal."

"I don't want us to fight about this Ross, Maddy hates it and so do I."

"Whatever, man, get me a beer from the fridge and we'll call it even?"

I got up and got a cold can from the freezer. "How'd you do it?" He asked as I passed it him.

"Do what?"

"All that baby stuff?" He asked. "That baby is just a reminder of her doing it with someone else."

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