Maddy's POV:
"What're you two having?" Ian asked, peering into the booth Will and I were sat in.
"What, um, well I'm on orange juice as usual."
"Pint please." Will replied.
"Cheers Grandad." I smiled.
He gave us a small grin and slithered off to the bar to order our drinks.
"Did you catch up with Ross last night?" I asked.
"Let's just not talk about him." Will sighed. "I feel like he's always pulling something, we never get time to ourselves."
"Here you go." Ian said, sliding the drinks on to the table.
"What's the occasion?" I asked.
"Will, how does dinner tomorrow night sound?" He asked.
"Yeah, great."
"Good. Five o'clock sharp." He said before heading over to a table of his own.
"That's great." I smiled. "It's like a Kingsley tradition, they're accepting you into the family."
"Only taken five months." He scoffed.
"This is a good thing Will, you'll see." I grinned.
"Shouldn't you be having a baby shower or something soon?"
"Well normally it happens about six weeks before the baby is born but since ill be living with Liam then I don't think it'll be happening then." I said. "And I don't really have many friends considering everyone I've ever known is afraid of my dad."
"Understandable." He laughed
"Christ, I'm pregnant at 17 and I can't even do that right!" I huffed.
"Ian!" Will called, instantly sparking my Grandad attention who came rushing over.
"I have to rush off, have my pint." Will said.
"Will?" I questioned.
"You'll thank me later." He smirked, rushing out of the doors.
Ross's POV:
Will came charging through the door and searched through the draws like a possessed person. "You looking for something or just tearing the house apart for fun?" I asked, propping myself up on the couch.
"Do we have a phone book?" He asked.
"Considering it's not 1940, no?" I replied in a DUH tone.
"Well can you text Tom and ask him what school Maddy went to?"
"He'll think I'm perving on his precious daughter." I said. "Why?"
"Surely she had friends before she dropped out, right?"
"You're so weird." I stated, flicking channels.
"Maddy wants a baby shower but she doesn't have anyone to throw her one or any friends to attend."
"Oh Will, good brother Will." I laughed. "Does Maddy Kingsley strike you as the type of seventeen year old to put up with teenage bullshit?"
"Guess not."
"So why the hell would she have any teenage friends besides that whore Lola?" I questioned.
"But she deserves a baby shower like any other mum to be." He argued.
"Maddy's only friends are her family and us." I told him. "So just invite them and get cake, she's a simple girl, she'd be happy with that."
"For once, your right."
I know. I knew Maddy well, clearly better than Will. "So I'll get Tom on board, you sort out her mum and the rest of them." I ordered.
He nodded, bolting towards the door.
"And Will!" I called. "This was all your idea."
"Thanks man." He said, rushing off to finish his amazing plan.

The Brothers Down The Street
عاطفيةAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...