"Shirt on." I ordered Will, marching into the living room. "We have some unwanted company."
"How's my baby?" Liam asked.
"Excuse me?" Will snapped.
"My literally baby, I'll leave the nicknames down to you two." Liam said in a poisonous tone.
"Fine." I replied, crossing my arms. "However I doubt this visit is for small talk so get to the point."
"Could you call your lovely father over, I've got some news you all may find interesting." He said in a smug tone which I didn't like.
"Try not to kill him." I said to Will, dialling my dads number and pulling it to my ear as I stepped into the hall.
It rang and rang and rang without answer. "Get over here." I ordered into the voice machine before hanging up and walking back inside. "No answer."
"Then we'll just wait until he does." Liam said, taking a seat on the couch. "I'll have a glass of water in the meantime."
"Can't I give him a message? No offence but I'd like to limit your time here." I said, shoving a glass under the tap and letting it fill with water.
"I'm sure he'll be here soon and then you two can go back to tearing each other's clothes off." I stopped by his side, clutching his glass, glaring at Will as I tried to let his sweet face talk me out of not throwing the drink over his head. The smile he gave me as he tried to hold back laughter stopped me.
"Anything good on, you know besides the porno you two were about to make?" Liam asked, putting his feet up on the coffee table.
I smiled, turning the glass 180 degrees and allowing the liquid to spill over his head and run down to his jeans.
With one swift mood he snatched my wrist, standing up and glaring down at me. "You'll pay for that!"
"Oi!" Will boomed from the corner of the room.
"Stand down body guard, as long as she has my precious cargo in her you know I wouldn't lay a hand on her." Liam said.
"Or at all." He spat.
"I'll give my dad another call." I said, bringing my phone to my ear but again getting no answer.
"Why is here?" Will whispered, stepping into the hall with me.
"You're guess is as good as mine." I shrugged.
"Say the word and I'll throw him out." Will said.
"No, as much as I hate him, he hates me too, meaning he'd only show up if it was important." I explained. "But this is torture, I can't stand him, I'm going to find my dad."
I opened the front door to see him and Ross walking up the street, having just passed my house.
"Oi!" I called, plodding down my driveway. "Your phone not work?"
"Dead." My Dad replied. "What's up?"
"Liam is inside." I snapped. "Said he wants to talk to us, clearly you more than me. What exactly did you do the other night?"
"I told you, I handle him."
"Where are you two going looking all chummy?" I asked, my eyes darting between the two.
"You go ahead, I'll catch up." My Dad said to Ross, shaking his hand and subtly passing something to him. Something shiny reflected in the sunlight which sparked my interest.
I grabbed Ross's wrist and tired to peel his hand open with my other. "You're going to have to try a little harder than that, darlin'" Ross smirked.
"Open your hand." I instructed.
"Maddy, it's nothing let's go inside." My Dad said.
I scowled at them before slamming my fist into Ross gut which caused his grip to loosen enough for me to snatch the object from him. "Are these Liam's keys?" I questioned in annoyance
The two exchanged a look before looking back to me. I turned away from them and marched back up my driveway.
"Maddy!" My Dad scolded.
"Mads, give me 'em back." Ross said, the two voices following me up to my door.
"No wonder he showed up here." I snapped at them both.
"Ah, everyone's here." Liam's smug voice said from the doorway. "Shall we?"

The Brothers Down The Street
RomanceAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...