Chapter 41

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By three o'clock we finished all trips to and from Liam's house, using all four of our cars the process was easy, unpacking was the hard part.

"Ooh. I like these." Ross said, placing my red lace thong into my top left draw.

My eyes widened and I ran over to him, snatching them from his hands and slamming the draw shut. "Go find a different box." I ordered causing him to cackle.

* * *

"Off to work." I said, standing up.

"Do you ever stop?" Will asked, pawing at my leg from the couch for me to stay.

"I stopped when I had a baby."

"Where is she now?"

"Dad said he got her from Kate and dropped her with Mum when he collected my first lot of boxes." I replied.

"Can't you stay a little longer?"

I pecked his lips, grabbing my jacket. "I'll be back soon." I laughed. "You should get to work yourself."

* * *

Trenching through the pebbled driveway of the garage I saw Ross peck a girl's lips, taking a coffee from the café off her.

The blonde girl passed me on her way out, giving me a warm smile which I did not return. I simply gave her my classic icy cold stare.

"Who was that?" I asked Ross, stopping in front of him.

"A customer." He smirked with a wink.

"A private one I hope because that is not the type of full service we offer." I stated.

"And she's found her sense of humour again, alert the media." Ross exclaimed, giving me jazz hands.

"Yeah and for my next trick I'm going to put an dirty overalls and work here for hours." I glared.

"I'd like to watch that trick." He grinned, prodding me with a wrench.

I rolled my eyes at him, walking inside and into my office.

I brushed my hands against the old overalls, a cloud of dust puffing off them and into the air. I wafted my hand, trying to remove the dust from the air.

I stepped out of my wedged boots which managed to boost my 5'4 height to 5'6 before sliding my feet into some more practical timberlands to work in.

I looked around for my toolbox. I checked my usual places, under the desk, on the desk and anywhere on the floor but it was no where.

I looked at the large shelving cabinet where we had all client information and bills stored. My eyes landed on my familiar black tool box which was peeking over the top and looking down at me.

I sighed, pulling my chair out and standing on it before on to the third shelf and stepping up on to the forth with my left foot, pressing my hand against the roof for support as I grabbed the box. I turned around, tossing the box on to my desk which landed with a rattling thud.

Suddenly, the shelves began to wobble from the force of my toss and the cabinet rocked forward crashing down.

I dropped on my back against the floor and the cabinet landed above me, my chair just about holding it up.

I tried to wriggle out but my back felt as though someone was squeezing my spine.

The door burst open and Ross stood, shocked for a second. "Mads what are you doing?" He asked.

"Playing hide and seek with the filing cabinets, what do you think?" I questioned.

"Well if you don't want my help then I guess I'll be going?" He said, raising a brow.

"Good because I don't." I retorted, latching a hand around my desk leg and attempting to pull myself out, I moved an inch but my back felt like it was being dragged across sharpened needles.

"Ah." I short breath of pain escaped my lips and I looked over to the doorway, seeing Ross still stood there.

"Ready to accept help yet?" Ross asked with a smirk.

"Get me out Ross." I ordered, shutting my eyes in pain.

"So you need me?"

"Oh Ross if you're going to be no help then get out!" I yelled.

The wooden chair creaked as the weight of the bookcase was becoming too much for it. "Okay Ross, I need you, now help me." I said quickly.

Ross walked a few steps deeper into my office, latching his hands on to the cabinet.

"Ross you're never going to-"

I cut myself off as the wooden death trap began to rise away from me. Ross stepped over me, pushing it back securely against the wall.

"You were saying?" He smirked.

I pushed on the ground, sitting up, sending shooting pains along side my spine.

I tensed my jaw, biting down on the inside of my lip, refusing to show my pain.

"You can go back to work now." I said.

"But you need me." He mocked, crouching beside me. "Now let me help."

"You can't-"

"Put you're arm around me." He ordered, I glared at him. "Just do it."

I slinked an arm around his neck and his pressed one of his against my back. Slowly, Ross pulled me up to my feet.

"You okay?" He asked, once my feet were firmly on the ground.

"Yeah." I said, removing my arm from him. "Next time, don't tidy my tool box away, it's meant to be on the floor."

"Because you're so small to reach otherwise?"

"You're hilarious." I scolded, taking my black box from the desk and walking out, ready to work on the Land Rover that had been parked out front for a while.

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