Chapter 43

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The next morning I walked down the stairs to see Amy and Ross making out against the kitchen counter.

I opened the top cupboard, reaching for the mugs on the top shelf.

"Allow me." A girls voice said before a feminine hand stretched over me, reaching the mugs. She placed two in front of me.

She had shoulder length blonde hair, tall long legs and soft fair skin with large breasts and butt. She was almost perfect.

I turned around, glaring at her. "Thanks but I had it." I said.

"Sorry." She said with a nervous laugh.

"Don't take it personally." Ross scoffed, wrapping an arm around her waist. "She doesn't accept help from anyone, not even herself."

Ignoring him, I flicked on the kettle, making coffee for Will and I.

"Sorry if we woke you last night." Amy said, still trying to make an effort. "We were a little drunk."

"Oh that wasn't what kept me up." I said, rolling my eyes with my back to her. "It was the repetition of the word yes that did that."

"Well I made her a very happy girl." Ross smirked. "Never really hear you and Will?"

"Well I sometimes wear a ball-gag to spare you the ear torture, we're very kinky." I smirked, picking up the steaming cups of coffee which immediately wiped the smirk off his face, leaving him looking rather depressed.

* * *

"Thanks for having her last night." I said to my grandparents, rocking Lilli.

"Hope you and Will got some alone time." Gale said.

"Well I don't." Dad spoke up from the chair he was sat on.

"Well we were interrupted by Ross and his new yes girl."

"Why didn't you go back to yours?" Gale asked.

"Don't give her ideas."

"We were cosy in bed by then." I shrugged.

"And that's my cue to get to work." Dad said, grabbing his jacket and rushing out of the house.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble?"

"She was an angle." Ian said.

"Just like you were." Gale added.

"And look at me now." I sighed.

Lilli blinked up at me, a smile appeared on her face and I found myself breathless. "Shes smiling." I gasped with excitement.

"So you and Will got chance to reconnect then?" Gale asked, sitting down.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied.

"Good, you've found yourself a good one there, don't let him go." Gale laughed.

"So, it's your birthday soon, what do you plan on doing?" Ian asked.

"Honestly? Nothing."

"But it's your eighteenth."

I shrugged.

"Then what do you want?" Gale asked.

"Nothing." I replied. "I've got everything I've ever wanted, a nice guy, healthy family."

Gale raised a brow at me.

"You could have Lilli again tonight and I can go out clubbing with some friends?" I questioned.

"Friends? What friends?" Will asked with a smile, walking through the door.

"Brew?" Ian asked.

"I'm not stopping long." Will said.

"Everything okay?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Well I was hoping you could keep tomorrow evening free for me?" He questioned.


"Well you're birthdays coming up and I thought I could do something nice for you?"

"Sounds great." I smiled. "Fancy coming out tonight?"

"Can't." He said. "Dads got me helping out of the farm all night, cows are having calves."

"Gross, go." I dismissed.

Will smiled at me, leaning down and pecking my lips before leaving again.

"And of course we'll have her." Gale smiled, handing me the bottle that she'd prepared.

I took it from her, feeding Lilli.

* * *

"Oh please Rachel." I begged, leaning across the wooden bar.

"Sorry love but Saturday is your mum and I's busiest night of the week." Rachel replied.

"Where's Nina?" I asked.

"Doing things with Josh I don't want to think about thank you very much."

"Then I guess I'm all out of friends." I groaned.

"Not entirely." Ross's voice said in my ear as he passed my, dragging a hand across my back as he stopped beside me. "What'd you need?"

"I want to go clubbing, I've not been in like nine and a half months." I complained. "But everyone's busy."

"Then you're lucky I'm the club king." He said. "Grab your jacket."

"Oh no, I don't think so." Rachel argued, shooting daggers into our heads.

"We agreed to be just friends, relax." Ross said with a smirk.

"What he said, but without the smirk."

"I trust you, not him. Behave." She said, turning away to serve a customer.

"So will Amy be coming?" I asked, swivelling around on my chair.

"Why, jealous?" He questioned.

"No I just figured you two were getting close, that's all." I shrugged.

"Well then, yeah she is."

"Great let's meet at mine in half an hour, we can all get a cab together." I smiled, hopping off my chair and leaving.

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