Maddy's POV:
"Remember, don't talk about football, he does not like your team." I reminded Will on the way there.
"I got it, I got it. He has a sweet tooth, beer not wine, no football and hands off you." Will spoke back to me.
"Perfect." I said, pecking his lips before stepping out of the car.
"Evening." I called, opening the door to see everyone inside. "Um..?"
"It's a baby shower." Rachel explained, pointing to all the balloons.
I turned around to Will before throwing my arms around him. "I'm guessing this was you?"
"Um, yeah." He said. "Well Ross helped, a little."
"This is so sweet."
"I thought we were supposed to be keeping our hands off each other?" He questioned.
My eyes widened and I leaped away from him and walked inside.
"I told them we should of jumped out at you." Ross said, waltzing over to me. "But Rachel got scared that the baby would fall out of you if we did that."
I laughed at him. For once we felt normal again, as if that stupid drunken night never happened.
"Well thank you, I know you helped with this." I said.
"Barely, mostly Will." Ross smiled.
"Come on love theres cake!" Rachel exclaimed at me.
"Careful she's had half a bottle of red already." Ross whispered as I passed him, causing my grin to grow wider.
Will latched an arm around my shoulders, sending tingles down my spine as we ate our cake. "This isn't the nice meal I had intended for us and my grandparents to have." I laughed.
"I heard we were meant to get gifts." My Dad said, handing me a box.
I opened it and inside there was a some folded notes. I glared at him. "Your cut from the car." He said. "And I only found out about the gift thing five minutes ago."
I scoffed.
"Shove his money aside and open mine." My mum said, handing me a bigger box.
"Oh no, I'm not starting this game." I said, placing her gift on the side. "I'll open them later when you can't get all competitive about it."
* * *
"Tonight really was sweet." I told Will as we cuddled on the couch.
"I'm glad you liked it." Will replied. "I want you to have dinner with my parents."
"I'd love to." I replied. "But I get the feeling your mum doesn't like me."
"That's because she doesn't know you."
"Okay, when?"
"Tomorrow night?"
Suddenly, the door flew open and Ross staggered in with a bleeding nose.
"Ross!" I exclaimed.
"What the hell happened?" Will got up and rushed to the door, checking of there was anyone outside. He slammed it and stormed over to Ross.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Perfect." He replied. "You should see the other guy."
"Idiot." I told him, getting the first aid kit out of their draws.

The Brothers Down The Street
RomanceAs if getting pregnant at seventeen wasn't hard enough, two charming brothers, Ross and Will move in down the street from Maddy, making her life even more complicated. Is it possible for her to love both the brothers? Maddy's life went from simple...